
German 204

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Wort oder Satz English Translation
SA, die, Sturmabteilungone of the elite divisions in the Nazi military organization, 1932
Sahne, Glückspilz allererster Sahnelucky devil of the very best sort, 1989
SA-Küche, diesoup kitchen run by the SA, 1932
Salbe, diesalve, 1904
saufento drink, to booze, 1961
saumäßighell of a ... , 1932
Schaden, derdamage, 1961
schädlichharmful, detrimental, 1961
Schafskäse, dersheep's milk cheese, 1969
Scham, dieshame, 1969
schämen, sich schämento be ashamed of oneself, 1969
Schar, die, -enhorde, 1941
schaudern, jdm schaudert esit makes someone shudder or shiver, 1998
Schauer über den Rücken laufenshivers or shudders run down one's spine, 1923
Schaufenster, das, -store windows, 1961, 1989
Schaum, der, Schäumefoam, 1904
scheiden, sich scheiden lassento divorce, 1961
Scherz, der, -ejoke, 1969
schieläugigslanty-eyed, 1941
Schild, das, -ersign, 1969
schimpfento moan, to grumble, 1904
schimpfento swear, to curse, 1998
schimpfen auf+A to bitch about someone/something, 1989
Schirmmütze, die, -nbaseball cap, 1932
Schiss habento be scared, 1932
Schlacht, die, -enbattle, 1904
Schlafstube, die, -nbedroom, 1904
Schlange, Schlange stehento stand in line, 1989
Schlaufen, die (Plural)belt loops, 1961
schleichento sneak, to creep, 1961
schlendernto stroll, to amble, 1989
Schlips, in Schlips und Kragenwearing a collar and tie, 1998
schluchzento sob, 1941
schluckento swallow, 1923
schluckento swallow literally or figuratively, 1998
Schluss, mit etwas Schluss machento stop doing something, 1969
Schlüsselbund, derkey ring, 1941
schlüssig, sich schlüssig sein über etwasto have made up one's mind about something, 1989
Schmerz, der, -enpain, 1904
schmiegen, sich an jdn schmiegento cuddle or snuggle up to someone, 1923
Schmuck, derjewelry, 1923
Schmuckkassette, die, -njewelry box, 1923
schmunzelnto smile, 1923
schnappento catch, to nab, 1998
Schnaps, der, Schnäpseschnapps, 1969
schnuppernto sniff, 1941
Schnur, die, Schnürestring, cord, 1941
schonendgently, considerately, 1989
Schopf, am Schopf packento seize or grasp an opportunity, 1932
Schrift, diewriting, handwriting, 1969
Schrippe, die, -nBerlin dialect for bread roll, 1989
Schrittgetrappel, dasto sound of footsteps, 1941
Schrubben, dasscrubbing, 1932
Schrulle, dieold crone, 1998
Schubiak, der, -srogue, 1923
schuftento slave away, 1989
Schuld, an allem Schuld habento be to blame for everything, 1989
schuld, schuld an allem seinto be to blame for everything, 1923
Schuldbetrag, der, -beträgedebt amount, 1904
schuldbewusstfeeling guilty, 1969
schütterthin, 1989
Schuttschippen, dasthe shoveling away of rubble, 1969
Schutz, derprotection, 1932
Schutz, jdn in Schutz nehmento protect someone, 1941
schützen, sich schützento protect oneself, 1941
Schutzmaßnahme, die, -nsecurity measure, 1961
Schutzvorrichtung, die, -ensafety device, 1904
schwächento weaken, 1941
Schwall, der, -eflood, torrent, 1998
schwankento hesitate, to be undecided, 1941
Schwärmerei, die, -enenthusiasm, rapture, 1989
schweifen, die Gedanken schweifen lassento let one's thoughts roam or wander, 1941
schweigento be silent, 1969, 1998
Schwierigkeit, die, -endifficulty, 1961
schwindelnto fib, 1932, 1969
SED, dieSozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands, the leading party in the GDR, 1961
Sehne, ist die Sehne gespannthere: are you ready? literally: is your bow pulled back and you are ready to shoot, 1932
Sein, dasbeing, 1989
Sekt, der, -esparkling wine, champagne, 1989
Sektorengrenze, die, -nsector border, 1961
seufzendsighing, 1941
sickernto seep, to ooze, 1998
siegreichvictorious, triumphant, 1941
silbernsilver, 1923
Sitte, e, -ncustom, practice, 1969
skandierento recite, 1961
Sofa, das, -ssofa, 1923
Sozialismus, dersocialism, 1961
spähento peek, to spy, 1941
sparsamthrifty, 1969
Spaß, sich einen Spaß erlaubento have a joke, 1969
Speisekammer, die, -nlarder, pantry, 1923
speisento eat, to dine, 1998
Spezialität, die, -enspecialty, 1969
Spieß, den Spieß umdrehento turn the tables, 1923
Spießer, der(perjorative) petty bourgeois, 1961
spießigpetit-bourgeois (pejorative), 1989
spinnento be crazy or nutty, 1961
Spitzenkragen, derlace collar, 1923
spöttischmocking, ridiculing, derisive, 1969
Springerstiefel, der, -military boot, 1998
sputen sichto hurry, to make haste, 1904
Staatsorgan, das, -eorgan of the state, 1961
Stacheldraht, derbarbed wire, 1961
stammelnto stammer, 1998
Stanze, die, -nstamp, press, 1904
Stapel, vom Stapel lassento launch into, 1998
stauen sichto pile up, to crowd, to accumlate, 1961
stechen, die Sonne stichtthe sun beats down, 1932
stechend, stechender Blicka piercing look, 1932
stehen, auf jdn stehento be crazy/mad about somebody, 1961
Stellung, die, -enposition, 1923
Stempel, der, -stamp, 1989
stempelnto stamp, 1989
Stern, der gelbe Sternthe yellow star of David that Jews were required to wear, 1941
stetigsteady, 1989
stetsalways, 1989
Stich, jdn im Stich lassento let somebody down, to leave somebody in the lurch, 1998
stillschweigendsilently, 1998
Stirn, sich an die Stirn tippento touch your forehead to indicate you think someone or something is crazy, 1904
stockendfaltering, hesitant, 1932
Stockwerk, der, -estory, floor, 1904
stöhnento groan, 1904
Stolz, derpride, 1969
störento disturb, 1932
Störung, die, -endisturbance, 1932
stotternto stutter, 1989
Strafe, die, -npunishment, 1941
strafftight, taut, 1941
straffen sich die Schulternto stiffen up one's shoulders, 1904
strahlenfig. (one's face) to glow, 1969
strahlen, über alle vier Backen strahlento beam all over one's face, 1998
strammstehento stand at attention, 1989
Strauch, der, Sträucherbush, 1941
streichelnto stroke, 1941
streichelnto stroke, to pet, 1989
Streichholz, das, Streichhölzermatch, 1941
Streife, auf Streife gehento go on patrol, 1961
Studienplatz, der, -plätzea place at the university, 1989
Stummel, derend, stub, butt of a cigarette or cigar, 1961
sturstubborn, 1989
Sturkopf, der, -köpfesomeone who is pig-headed or stubborn, 1961
Sturm, an der Tür läutet es Sturmto keep one's finger on the doorbell, 1961
Sturmlokal, das, -e(NS) storm trooper hangout, 1932
stürzen sich aufto pounce on, 1904
Suppenkaspar, derpoor eater, 1989
Synagoge, die, -nsynagogue, 1941