
German 204

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Wort oder Satz English Translation
Macht, die, an der Macht seinpower, to be in power, 1961
magermeager, 1923
Magistrat, der, -emunicipal authority, 1961
Maler, derpainter, 1998
Mappe, die, -nbook bag, 1998
Mark, nicht auf die Mark achten; etwas trifft jdn ins Markdo not count every penny; to cut somebody to the quick, to chill someone to the bone, 1998
Markenname, der, -nbrand name, 1989
Maßnahme, die, -nmeasure, 1961
Mauer, diehere: the Berlin Wall, 1989
Mauerspecht, der, -esomeone who chipped away at the Berlin wall like a woodpecker (r Specht), 1989
Maul aufmachen, dasto open one's mouth, to say something, 1904
mausetotstone-dead, as dead as a doornail, 1969
Meeresfrüchte(Plural)"fruits of the sea", seafood, 1998
meidento avoid, 1923
Meinung, einer anderen Meinung seinto be of a different opinion, 1941
Meinungsfreiheit, diefreedom of speech, 1989
Meißel, der, -chisel, 1989
Meister, der, -master craftsman, 1932
Messerstich, das, -estab wound, 1998
Miene, die, -nexpression, 1932
Miene, keine Miene verziehenfig. not to turn a hair, not show any emotion, 1941
Miene, mit ernster Mienewith a serious expression, 1969
Miete, die, -nrent, 1904
Milliardenschein, der, -ebillion (Reichsmark) banknote, 1923
Millionenschein, der, -emillion (Reichsmark) banknote, 1923
Ministerrat, dercouncil of state, 1961
Misstrauen, dasmistrust, distrust, 1961
misstrauischmistrustful, distrustful, 1932
misstrauischmistrustful, 1969
Missverständnis, das, -nissemisunderstanding, 1932
Mist bauento mess up, to screw up, 1969
Mist, dermanure, 1989
Mist, Mist machento screw it up, 1932
Mitleid, dassympathy, 1932
Möbel, die, Pluralfurniture, 1923
Moped, das, -smoped, 1961
Mücke, die Mücke machen wollenhere, to flee to the West, 1961
muffigmusty, 1941
Mühe, sich Mühe gebento make an effort, 1932, 1961
munterlively, 1932
Murmeln spielento play marbles, 1904
mürrischsullen, grumpy, 1932
mürrischsullen, morose, grumpy, 1989
Mürrische, der, -nsomeone who is sullen or grumpy, 1961
musternto scrutinize, to look over, 1969
Mut, dercourage, 1904
Mut, jdm Mut machento encourage someone, 1941
mutigcourageously, 1989