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SPECIES Zaglossus bruijni   (match on citation)
GENUS Caluromys   (match on citation)
SUBGENUS Caluromys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Didelphis pernigra   (match on citation)
SPECIES Gracilinanus aceramarcae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Gracilinanus agricolai   (match on citation)
GENUS Hyladelphys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Marmosa rubra   (match on citation)
SPECIES Marmosa tyleriana   (match on citation)
SPECIES Marmosops juninensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Marmosops parvidens   (match on citation)
SPECIES Marmosops paulensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Metachirus nudicaudatus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Metachirus nudicaudatus nudicaudatus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Micoureus alstoni   (match on citation)
SPECIES Micoureus paraguayanus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Micoureus paraguayanus paraguayanus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Monodelphis palliolata   (match on citation)
SPECIES Monodelphis umbristriata   (match on citation)
SPECIES Philander andersoni   (match on citation)
SPECIES Philander mcilhennyi   (match on citation)
GENUS Thylamys   (match on citation)
GENUS Tlacuatzin   (match on citation)
SPECIES Tlacuatzin canescens   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Tlacuatzin canescens canescens   (match on citation)
SPECIES Caenolestes caniventer   (match on citation)
SPECIES Caenolestes convelatus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Caenolestes convelatus convelatus   (match on citation)
GENUS Rhyncholestes   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rhyncholestes raphanurus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Rhyncholestes raphanurus raphanurus   (match on citation)
FAMILY Microbiotheriidae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Dasyurus albopunctatus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Neophascogale lorentzi   (match on citation)
GENUS Parantechinus   (match on citation)
GENUS Phascolosorex   (match on citation)
SPECIES Phascolosorex doriae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Phascolosorex dorsalis   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Phascolosorex dorsalis dorsalis   (match on citation)
GENUS Pseudantechinus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pseudantechinus ningbing   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pseudantechinus roryi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pseudantechinus woolleyae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Antechinus subtropicus   (match on citation)
GENUS Micromurexia   (match on citation)
SPECIES Micromurexia habbema   (match on citation)
GENUS Murexechinus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Murexechinus melanurus   (match on citation)
GENUS Murexia   (match on citation)
GENUS Paramurexia   (match on citation)
GENUS Phascomurexia   (match on citation)
SPECIES Phascomurexia naso   (match on citation)
GENUS Ningaui   (match on citation)
SPECIES Ningaui ridei   (match on citation)
SPECIES Ningaui timealeyi   (match on citation)
GENUS Sminthopsis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sminthopsis aitkeni   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sminthopsis bindi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sminthopsis dolichura   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sminthopsis gilberti   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sminthopsis granulipes   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sminthopsis griseoventer   (match on citation)
GENUS Planigale   (match on citation)
SPECIES Planigale gilesi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Planigale novaeguineae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Planigale tenuirostris   (match on citation)
GENUS Perameles   (match on citation)
SPECIES Perameles nasuta   (match on citation)
SPECIES Echymipera rufescens   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Echymipera rufescens rufescens   (match on citation)
SPECIES Microperoryctes longicauda   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Microperoryctes longicauda longicauda   (match on citation)
SPECIES Microperoryctes papuensis   (match on citation)
SUPERFAMILY Phalangeroidea   (match on citation)
SPECIES Cercartetus lepidus   (match on citation)
FAMILY Phalangeridae   (match on citation)
SUBFAMILY Phalangerinae   (match on citation)
TRIBE Phalangerini   (match on citation)
SPECIES Phalanger carmelitae   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Phalanger carmelitae carmelitae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Phalanger gymnotis   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Phalanger gymnotis gymnotis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Phalanger matanim   (match on citation)
SPECIES Spilocuscus maculatus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Spilocuscus maculatus maculatus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Strigocuscus pelengensis   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Strigocuscus pelengensis pelengensis   (match on citation)
FAMILY Pseudocheiridae   (match on citation)
GENUS Petauroides   (match on citation)
SUBFAMILY Pseudocheirinae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pseudochirulus cinereus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pseudochirulus schlegeli   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pseudochirops albertisii   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Pseudochirops albertisii albertisii   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pseudochirops corinnae   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Pseudochirops corinnae corinnae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pseudochirops coronatus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pseudochirops cupreus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Dactylopsila tatei   (match on citation)
GENUS Distoechurus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Distoechurus pennatus   (match on citation)
GENUS Caloprymnus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Dendrolagus pulcherrimus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Dendrolagus scottae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Dendrolagus stellarum   (match on citation)
SPECIES Dorcopsis atrata   (match on citation)
SPECIES Dorcopsis hageni   (match on citation)
SPECIES Petrogale burbidgei   (match on citation)
SPECIES Microgale brevicaudata   (match on citation)
SPECIES Microgale drouhardi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Microgale dryas   (match on citation)
SPECIES Microgale fotsifotsy   (match on citation)
SPECIES Microgale nasoloi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Microgale parvula   (match on citation)
SPECIES Microgale soricoides   (match on citation)
GENUS Carpitalpa   (match on citation)
SPECIES Carpitalpa arendsi   (match on citation)
GENUS Chlorotalpa   (match on citation)
SPECIES Chrysochloris (Chrysochloris) visagiei   (match on citation)
GENUS Cryptochloris   (match on citation)
SPECIES Cryptochloris zyli   (match on citation)
GENUS Eremitalpa   (match on citation)
SPECIES Amblysomus marleyi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Amblysomus septentrionalis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Calcochloris (Huetia) leucorhinus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Calcochloris (Huetia) leucorhinus leucorhinus   (match on citation)
GENUS Neamblysomus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Neamblysomus gunningi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Neamblysomus julianae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Cabassous chacoensis   (match on citation)
GENUS Anathana   (match on citation)
GENUS Urogale   (match on citation)
FAMILY Ptilocercidae   (match on citation)
GENUS Cheirogaleus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Cheirogaleus major   (match on citation)
SPECIES Cheirogaleus medius   (match on citation)
SPECIES Microcebus griseorufus   (match on citation)
GENUS Mirza   (match on citation)
GENUS Phaner   (match on citation)
SPECIES Eulemur collaris   (match on citation)
SPECIES Eulemur sanfordi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Prolemur simus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Varecia rubra   (match on citation)
FAMILY Lepilemuridae   (match on citation)
GENUS Lepilemur   (match on citation)
SPECIES Lepilemur dorsalis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Lepilemur mustelinus   (match on citation)
GENUS Nycticebus   (match on citation)
GENUS Pseudopotto   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pseudopotto martini   (match on citation)
SPECIES Otolemur crassicaudatus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Otolemur crassicaudatus crassicaudatus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Tarsius sangirensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Callithrix (Callithrix) aurita   (match on citation)
SPECIES Callithrix (Mico) humeralifera   (match on citation)
SPECIES Callithrix (Mico) marcai   (match on citation)
SPECIES Callithrix (Callithrix) penicillata   (match on citation)
SPECIES Leontopithecus caissara   (match on citation)
SPECIES Saguinus inustus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Saguinus niger   (match on citation)
SPECIES Saguinus tripartitus   (match on citation)
SUBFAMILY Saimiriinae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Saimiri boliviensis   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Saimiri boliviensis boliviensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Alouatta pigra   (match on citation)
GENUS Ateles   (match on citation)
SPECIES Ateles belzebuth   (match on citation)
SPECIES Ateles hybridus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Ateles marginatus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Brachyteles arachnoides   (match on citation)
GENUS Allenopithecus   (match on citation)
GENUS Cercocebus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Cercopithecus neglectus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Cercopithecus wolfi   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Cercopithecus wolfi wolfi   (match on citation)
GENUS Chlorocebus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Macaca leonina   (match on citation)
SPECIES Macaca radiata   (match on citation)
SPECIES Macaca tonkeana   (match on citation)
SPECIES Mandrillus leucophaeus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Mandrillus leucophaeus leucophaeus   (match on citation)
GENUS Theropithecus   (match on citation)
GENUS Nasalis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Piliocolobus foai   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Piliocolobus foai foai   (match on citation)
GENUS Pygathrix   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pygathrix nigripes   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rhinopithecus bieti   (match on citation)
SPECIES Trachypithecus (Trachypithecus) auratus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Trachypithecus (Trachypithecus) auratus auratus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Trachypithecus (Trachypithecus) delacouri   (match on citation)
SPECIES Trachypithecus (Trachypithecus) francoisi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Trachypithecus (Trachypithecus) hatinhensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Trachypithecus (Trachypithecus) poliocephalus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Trachypithecus (Trachypithecus) poliocephalus poliocephalus   (match on citation)
FAMILY Hylobatidae   (match on citation)
GENUS Bunopithecus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Hylobates albibarbis   (match on citation)
SUBFAMILY Ratufinae   (match on citation)
SUBFAMILY Sciurillinae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sciurillus pusillus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Sciurillus pusillus pusillus   (match on citation)
GENUS Microsciurus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Microsciurus alfari   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Microsciurus alfari alfari   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sciurus (Sciurus) nayaritensis   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Sciurus (Sciurus) nayaritensis nayaritensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sciurus (Guerlinguetus) sanborni   (match on citation)
GENUS Syntheosciurus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Syntheosciurus brochus   (match on citation)
GENUS Aeromys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Hylopetes sipora   (match on citation)
SPECIES Petaurillus kinlochii   (match on citation)
SPECIES Petinomys hageni   (match on citation)
SPECIES Petinomys lugens   (match on citation)
SPECIES Petinomys vordermanni   (match on citation)
SPECIES Callosciurus melanogaster   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Callosciurus melanogaster melanogaster   (match on citation)
SPECIES Dremomys gularis   (match on citation)
GENUS Exilisciurus   (match on citation)
GENUS Hyosciurus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Hyosciurus heinrichi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Hyosciurus ileile   (match on citation)
SPECIES Prosciurillus abstrusus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Prosciurillus rosenbergii   (match on citation)
GENUS Sundasciurus   (match on citation)
SUBGENUS Sundasciurus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sundasciurus (Sundasciurus) fraterculus   (match on citation)
GENUS Tamiops   (match on citation)
SPECIES Xerus (Euxerus) erythropus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Xerus (Euxerus) erythropus erythropus   (match on citation)
TRIBE Protoxerini   (match on citation)
SPECIES Heliosciurus undulatus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Paraxerus ochraceus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Paraxerus ochraceus ochraceus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Cynomys (Leucocrossuromys) parvidens   (match on citation)
SPECIES Tamias (Neotamias) amoenus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Tamias (Neotamias) amoenus amoenus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Tamias (Neotamias) bulleri   (match on citation)
SPECIES Tamias (Neotamias) cinereicollis   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Tamias (Neotamias) cinereicollis cinereicollis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Tamias (Neotamias) durangae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Tamias (Neotamias) merriami   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Tamias (Neotamias) merriami merriami   (match on citation)
SPECIES Tamias (Neotamias) obscurus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Tamias (Neotamias) obscurus obscurus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Tamias (Neotamias) senex   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Tamias (Neotamias) senex senex   (match on citation)
SPECIES Tamias (Neotamias) speciosus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Tamias (Neotamias) speciosus speciosus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Tamias (Neotamias) umbrinus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Tamias (Neotamias) umbrinus umbrinus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Graphiurus (Claviglis) crassicaudatus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Graphiurus (Graphiurus) kelleni   (match on citation)
SPECIES Graphiurus (Aethoglis) nagtglasii   (match on citation)
SPECIES Dipodomys compactus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Dipodomys compactus compactus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Dipodomys merriami   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Dipodomys merriami merriami   (match on citation)
SPECIES Heteromys (Heteromys) gaumeri   (match on citation)
SPECIES Heteromys (Heteromys) oasicus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Heteromys (see comments) oresterus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Heteromys (Heteromys) teleus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Liomys spectabilis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Chaetodipus eremicus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Chaetodipus eremicus eremicus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Chaetodipus pernix   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Chaetodipus pernix pernix   (match on citation)
SPECIES Chaetodipus rudinoris   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Chaetodipus rudinoris rudinoris   (match on citation)
SPECIES Perognathus merriami   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Perognathus merriami merriami   (match on citation)
SPECIES Geomys knoxjonesi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Geomys personatus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Geomys personatus personatus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Orthogeomys (Macrogeomys) cavator   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Orthogeomys (Macrogeomys) cavator cavator   (match on citation)
SPECIES Orthogeomys (Macrogeomys) cherriei   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Orthogeomys (Macrogeomys) cherriei cherriei   (match on citation)
SPECIES Orthogeomys (Macrogeomys) matagalpae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Orthogeomys (Macrogeomys) thaeleri   (match on citation)
SPECIES Orthogeomys (Macrogeomys) underwoodi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pappogeomys alcorni   (match on citation)
SPECIES Thomomys (Thomomys) monticola   (match on citation)
SPECIES Allactaga (Orientallactaga) bullata   (match on citation)
SPECIES Allactaga (Scarturus) tetradactyla   (match on citation)
GENUS Cardiocranius   (match on citation)
SPECIES Cardiocranius paradoxus   (match on citation)
GENUS Stylodipus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Stylodipus andrewsi   (match on citation)
SUBFAMILY Euchoreutinae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Eozapus setchuanus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Zapus princeps   (match on citation)
SPECIES Spalax arenarius   (match on citation)
SPECIES Tachyoryctes macrocephalus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Calomyscus elburzensis   (match on citation)
SUBFAMILY Dendromurinae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Dendromus oreas   (match on citation)
SPECIES Dendromus vernayi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Eliurus ellermani   (match on citation)
SPECIES Eliurus petteri   (match on citation)
GENUS Macrotarsomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Macrotarsomys bastardi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Nesomys audeberti   (match on citation)
SPECIES Petromyscus barbouri   (match on citation)
SPECIES Alticola (Alticola) albicaudus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Alticola (Alticola) montosa   (match on citation)
SPECIES Alticola (Alticola) semicanus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Arborimus longicaudus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Arborimus pomo   (match on citation)
SPECIES Chionomys gud   (match on citation)
SPECIES Eothenomys melanogaster   (match on citation)
SPECIES Hyperacrius fertilis   (match on citation)
GENUS Lasiopodomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Microtus (Pitymys) oaxacensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Microtus (Terricola) schelkovnikovi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Microtus (Microtus) transcaspicus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Volemys musseri   (match on citation)
SPECIES Allocricetulus curtatus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Cricetulus kamensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Phodopus roborovskii   (match on citation)
SUBFAMILY Lophiomyinae   (match on citation)
GENUS Baiomys   (match on citation)
GENUS Habromys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Habromys chinanteco   (match on citation)
SPECIES Habromys ixtlani   (match on citation)
GENUS Isthmomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Isthmomys flavidus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Megadontomys cryophilus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Neotoma (Neotoma) angustapalata   (match on citation)
SPECIES Neotoma (Neotoma) anthonyi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Neotoma (Neotoma) chrysomelas   (match on citation)
GENUS Osgoodomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Osgoodomys banderanus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Peromyscus attwateri   (match on citation)
SPECIES Peromyscus difficilis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Peromyscus furvus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Peromyscus grandis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Peromyscus guardia   (match on citation)
SPECIES Peromyscus melanotis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Peromyscus nasutus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Peromyscus ochraventer   (match on citation)
SPECIES Peromyscus sagax   (match on citation)
SPECIES Peromyscus spicilegus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Peromyscus stephani   (match on citation)
SPECIES Peromyscus truei   (match on citation)
SPECIES Peromyscus winkelmanni   (match on citation)
SPECIES Peromyscus yucatanicus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Podomys floridanus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Reithrodontomys (Aporodon) brevirostris   (match on citation)
SPECIES Reithrodontomys (Aporodon) creper   (match on citation)
SPECIES Reithrodontomys (Reithrodontomys) fulvescens   (match on citation)
SPECIES Reithrodontomys (Aporodon) gracilis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Reithrodontomys (Aporodon) rodriguezi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Reithrodontomys (Aporodon) spectabilis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Scotinomys xerampelinus   (match on citation)
GENUS Abrawayaomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Abrawayaomys ruschii   (match on citation)
SPECIES Abrothrix sanborni   (match on citation)
SPECIES Akodon (Akodon) affinis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Akodon (Akodon) dayi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Akodon (Akodon) juninensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Akodon (Akodon) kofordi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Akodon (Microxus) latebricola   (match on citation)
SPECIES Akodon (Akodon) lutescens   (match on citation)
SPECIES Akodon (Akodon) orophilus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Akodon (Akodon) reigi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Akodon (Hypsimys) siberiae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Akodon (Akodon) subfuscus   (match on citation)
GENUS Andalgalomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Andalgalomys olrogi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Andalgalomys pearsoni   (match on citation)
GENUS Auliscomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Brucepattersonius guarani   (match on citation)
SPECIES Brucepattersonius misionensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Brucepattersonius paradisus   (match on citation)
GENUS Chibchanomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Chibchanomys orcesi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Eligmodontia morgani   (match on citation)
SPECIES Eligmodontia puerulus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Euneomys petersoni   (match on citation)
GENUS Handleyomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Handleyomys fuscatus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Ichthyomys tweedii   (match on citation)
SPECIES Irenomys tarsalis   (match on citation)
GENUS Juliomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Juliomys pictipes   (match on citation)
SPECIES Juscelinomys guaporensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Juscelinomys huanchacae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Lenoxus apicalis   (match on citation)
GENUS Lundomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Melanomys zunigae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Microryzomys altissimus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Neacomys minutus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Neacomys musseri   (match on citation)
SPECIES Necromys urichi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Nectomys palmipes   (match on citation)
SPECIES Nesoryzomys darwini   (match on citation)
GENUS Neusticomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Neusticomys monticolus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Neusticomys peruviensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Neusticomys venezuelae   (match on citation)
GENUS Noronhomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Noronhomys vespuccii   (match on citation)
SPECIES Oecomys auyantepui   (match on citation)
SPECIES Oecomys cleberi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Oecomys rutilus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Oecomys speciosus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Oecomys trinitatis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Oligoryzomys andinus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Oligoryzomys chacoensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Oligoryzomys griseolus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Oligoryzomys microtis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Oligoryzomys vegetus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Oryzomys alfaroi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Oryzomys bolivaris   (match on citation)
SPECIES Oryzomys devius   (match on citation)
SPECIES Oryzomys emmonsae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Oryzomys keaysi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Oryzomys maracajuensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Oryzomys perenensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Oryzomys polius   (match on citation)
SPECIES Oryzomys scotti   (match on citation)
SPECIES Oryzomys talamancae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Oryzomys tatei   (match on citation)
SPECIES Oxymycterus hiska   (match on citation)
SPECIES Oxymycterus hucucha   (match on citation)
SPECIES Phyllotis definitus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Phyllotis osilae   (match on citation)
GENUS Podoxymys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Podoxymys roraimae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rheomys mexicanus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rhipidomys caucensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rhipidomys couesi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rhipidomys emiliae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rhipidomys gardneri   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rhipidomys ochrogaster   (match on citation)
GENUS Scolomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Scolomys melanops   (match on citation)
SPECIES Scolomys ucayalensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sigmodon (Sigmodon) arizonae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sigmodon (Sigmodon) fulviventer   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sigmodon (Sigmodon) inopinatus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sigmodon (Sigmodon) mascotensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sigmodon (Sigmodon) peruanus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sigmodon (Sigmodon) zanjonensis   (match on citation)
GENUS Sigmodontomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sigmodontomys alfari   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sigmodontomys aphrastus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Thomasomys bombycinus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Thomasomys caudivarius   (match on citation)
SPECIES Thomasomys cinereiventer   (match on citation)
SPECIES Thomasomys cinnameus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Thomasomys erro   (match on citation)
SPECIES Thomasomys hudsoni   (match on citation)
SPECIES Thomasomys hylophilus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Thomasomys ischyrus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Thomasomys ladewi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Thomasomys oreas   (match on citation)
SPECIES Thomasomys popayanus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Thomasomys silvestris   (match on citation)
SPECIES Thomasomys ucucha   (match on citation)
GENUS Wilfredomys   (match on citation)
GENUS Zygodontomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Zygodontomys brevicauda   (match on citation)
GENUS Otonyctomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Otonyctomys hatti   (match on citation)
SPECIES Tylomys fulviventer   (match on citation)
SPECIES Acomys (Acomys) cahirinus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Acomys (Acomys) cilicicus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Lophuromys (Lophuromys) aquilus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Lophuromys (Lophuromys) brevicaudus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Lophuromys (Lophuromys) chrysopus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Lophuromys (Kivumys) luteogaster   (match on citation)
GENUS Gerbillurus   (match on citation)
SUBGENUS Gerbillurus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Gerbillus (See comments.) mauritaniae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Gerbillus (Gerbillus) pyramidum   (match on citation)
SPECIES Meriones (Pallasiomys) libycus   (match on citation)
GENUS Abditomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Abeomelomys sevia   (match on citation)
SPECIES Aethomys silindensis   (match on citation)
GENUS Anonymomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Anonymomys mindorensis   (match on citation)
GENUS Apomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Apomys datae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Apomys hylocetes   (match on citation)
SPECIES Apomys insignis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Apomys microdon   (match on citation, comments)
SPECIES Apomys musculus   (match on citation)
GENUS Archboldomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Archboldomys luzonensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Arvicanthis abyssinicus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Arvicanthis blicki   (match on citation)
SPECIES Arvicanthis nairobae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Arvicanthis niloticus   (match on citation, comments)
SPECIES Batomys dentatus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Batomys russatus   (match on citation)
GENUS Bullimus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Bullimus bagobus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Bunomys andrewsi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Bunomys chrysocomus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Bunomys prolatus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Chiromyscus chiropus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Chiropodomys karlkoopmani   (match on citation)
SPECIES Chiruromys lamia   (match on citation)
SPECIES Coccymys albidens   (match on citation)
SPECIES Coccymys ruemmleri   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crateromys australis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crateromys schadenbergi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crunomys celebensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Dasymys alleni   (match on citation)
SPECIES Grammomys ibeanus   (match on citation)
GENUS Heimyscus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Hybomys (Hybomys) badius   (match on citation)
SPECIES Hydromys habbema   (match on citation)
SPECIES Hydromys neobritannicus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Hyomys goliath   (match on citation)
SPECIES Lemniscomys roseveari   (match on citation)
SPECIES Lenomys meyeri   (match on citation)
GENUS Lenothrix   (match on citation)
SPECIES Lenothrix canus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Leopoldamys siporanus   (match on citation)
GENUS Leptomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Leptomys elegans   (match on citation)
SPECIES Leptomys signatus   (match on citation)
GENUS Limnomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Limnomys sibuanus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Mallomys aroaensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Mallomys gunung   (match on citation)
SPECIES Mallomys istapantap   (match on citation)
GENUS Margaretamys   (match on citation, type species)
SPECIES Margaretamys beccarii   (match on citation)
SPECIES Margaretamys elegans   (match on citation)
SPECIES Margaretamys parvus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Maxomys bartelsii   (match on citation)
SPECIES Maxomys hellwaldii   (match on citation)
SPECIES Maxomys musschenbroekii   (match on citation)
SPECIES Maxomys wattsi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Melomys bannisteri   (match on citation)
SPECIES Melomys bougainville   (match on citation)
SPECIES Melomys capensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Melomys cooperae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Melomys frigicola   (match on citation)
SPECIES Melomys howi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Mesembriomys gouldii   (match on citation)
GENUS Microhydromys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Microhydromys richardsoni   (match on citation)
SPECIES Muriculus imberbis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Mus (Nannomys) orangiae   (match on citation)
GENUS Myomyscus   (match on citation, type species)
GENUS Nilopegamys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Nilopegamys plumbeus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Niviventer cameroni   (match on citation)
SPECIES Niviventer confucianus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Niviventer fulvescens   (match on citation)
SPECIES Niviventer lepturus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Notomys amplus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Notomys fuscus   (match on citation)
GENUS Palawanomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Palawanomys furvus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Papagomys theodorverhoeveni   (match on citation)
GENUS Paraleptomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Paraleptomys wilhelmina   (match on citation)
SPECIES Paramelomys levipes   (match on citation)
GENUS Paulamys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Paulamys naso   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pelomys isseli   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pithecheir parvus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pogonomelomys bruijni   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pogonomys championi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pogonomys fergussoniensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pogonomys loriae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Praomys lukolelae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Praomys minor   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pseudohydromys fuscus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pseudohydromys occidentalis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pseudomys bolami   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pseudomys calabyi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pseudomys chapmani   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pseudomys desertor   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pseudomys fumeus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pseudomys johnsoni   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pseudomys laborifex   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pseudomys occidentalis   (match on citation)
GENUS Rattus   (match on citation, type species)
SPECIES Rattus burrus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rattus enganus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rattus hainaldi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rattus koopmani   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rattus mollicomulus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rattus novaeguineae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rattus osgoodi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rattus richardsoni   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rattus salocco   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rattus simalurensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rattus stoicus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rattus tawitawiensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rattus timorensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rattus vandeuseni   (match on citation)
SPECIES Solomys ponceleti   (match on citation)
SPECIES Solomys salebrosus   (match on citation)
GENUS Sommeromys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sommeromys macrorhinos   (match on citation)
GENUS Srilankamys   (match on citation)
GENUS Stenocephalemys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Stenocephalemys albipes   (match on citation)
SPECIES Stenocephalemys albocaudata   (match on citation)
SPECIES Stenocephalemys ruppi   (match on citation)
GENUS Sundamys   (match on citation, type species)
SPECIES Sundamys muelleri   (match on citation)
SPECIES Taeromys arcuatus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Taeromys callitrichus   (match on citation, comments)
SPECIES Taeromys microbullatus   (match on citation)
GENUS Tarsomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Tarsomys apoensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Tarsomys echinatus   (match on citation)
GENUS Tateomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Tateomys macrocercus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Tateomys rhinogradoides   (match on citation)
SPECIES Thamnomys major   (match on citation)
GENUS Tryphomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Tryphomys adustus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Uromys (Uromys) boeadii   (match on citation)
SPECIES Uromys (Uromys) emmae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Uromys (Uromys) hadrourus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Uromys (Uromys) neobritannicus   (match on citation)
GENUS Vernaya   (match on citation)
SPECIES Vernaya fulva   (match on citation)
GENUS Xenuromys   (match on citation, type species)
SPECIES Xenuromys barbatus   (match on citation)
GENUS Zelotomys   (match on citation, type species)
SPECIES Zyzomys maini   (match on citation)
SPECIES Zyzomys palatilis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Otomys barbouri   (match on citation)
SPECIES Otomys cuanzensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Otomys lacustris   (match on citation)
SPECIES Otomys maximus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Otomys saundersiae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Otomys uzungwensis   (match on citation)
GENUS Heterocephalus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Heterocephalus glaber   (match on citation)
SPECIES Hystrix (Acanthion) javanica   (match on citation)
SPECIES Hystrix (Thecurus) sumatrae   (match on citation)
GENUS Chaetomys   (match on citation)
GENUS Erethizon   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sphiggurus ichillus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sphiggurus roosmalenorum   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sphiggurus spinosus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sphiggurus villosus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Kerodon acrobata   (match on citation)
SPECIES Dasyprocta azarae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Dasyprocta cristata   (match on citation)
SPECIES Ctenomys colburni   (match on citation)
SPECIES Ctenomys rionegrensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Ctenomys sericeus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Octodon lunatus   (match on citation)
GENUS Pipanacoctomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pipanacoctomys aureus   (match on citation)
GENUS Salinoctomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Salinoctomys loschalchalerosorum   (match on citation)
SPECIES Abrocoma boliviensis   (match on citation)
GENUS Cuscomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Cuscomys ashaninka   (match on citation)
SPECIES Dactylomys peruanus   (match on citation)
GENUS Kannabateomys   (match on citation)
GENUS Callistomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Callistomys pictus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Diplomys rufodorsalis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Phyllomys pattoni   (match on citation)
SPECIES Phyllomys thomasi   (match on citation)
GENUS Euryzygomatomys   (match on citation)
GENUS Hoplomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Mesomys occultus   (match on citation)
GENUS Proechimys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Proechimys canicollis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Proechimys guyannensis   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Proechimys guyannensis guyannensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Proechimys hoplomyoides   (match on citation)
SPECIES Proechimys magdalenae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Proechimys mincae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Proechimys oconnelli   (match on citation)
SPECIES Proechimys poliopus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Proechimys quadruplicatus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Proechimys trinitatus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Proechimys urichi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Thrichomys inermis   (match on citation)
SUBFAMILY Heteropsomyinae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Boromys torrei   (match on citation)
SPECIES Heteropsomys antillensis   (match on citation)
GENUS Geocapromys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Geocapromys ingrahami   (match on citation)
SPECIES Geocapromys thoracatus   (match on citation)
SUBFAMILY Hexolobodontinae   (match on citation)
SUBFAMILY Isolobodontinae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Plagiodontia araeum   (match on citation)
GENUS Rhizoplagiodontia   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rhizoplagiodontia lemkei   (match on citation)
FAMILY Heptaxodontidae   (match on citation)
GENUS Clidomys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Clidomys osborni   (match on citation)
SUBFAMILY Heptaxodontinae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Ochotona (Ochotona) thibetana   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Ochotona (Ochotona) thibetana thibetana   (match on citation)
SPECIES Lepus (Macrotolagus) alleni   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Lepus (Macrotolagus) alleni alleni   (match on citation)
SPECIES Lepus (Eulagos) comus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Nesolagus netscheri   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sylvilagus (?Tapeti) dicei   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sylvilagus (Sylvilagus) floridanus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Sylvilagus (Sylvilagus) floridanus floridanus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Paraechinus nudiventris   (match on citation)
SPECIES Hylomys megalotis   (match on citation)
GENUS Podogymnura   (match on citation)
SPECIES Podogymnura truei   (match on citation)
FAMILY Nesophontidae   (match on citation)
GENUS Nesophontes   (match on citation)
SPECIES Nesophontes edithae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Nesophontes longirostris   (match on citation)
SPECIES Nesophontes micrus   (match on citation, comments)
SPECIES Solenodon arredondoi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura allex   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura andamanensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura baileyi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura beatus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura beccarii   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura bottegi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura brunnea   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Crocidura brunnea brunnea   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura buettikoferi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura caliginea   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura congobelgica   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura grandis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura hilliana   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura ichnusae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura latona   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura lepidura   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura lucina   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura ludia   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura malayana   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura maquassiensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura mindorus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura nicobarica   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura paradoxura   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura parvipes   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura phaeura   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura polia   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura rapax   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Crocidura rapax rapax   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura religiosa   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura tarfayensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura thalia   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura usambarae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura voi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura vorax   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura vosmaeri   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura xantippe   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura yankariensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Crocidura zimmeri   (match on citation)
SPECIES Ruwenzorisorex suncoides   (match on citation)
SPECIES Suncus megalura   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sylvisorex howelli   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Sylvisorex howelli howelli   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sylvisorex oriundus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Myosorex longicaudatus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Myosorex longicaudatus longicaudatus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Blarina hylophaga   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Blarina hylophaga hylophaga   (match on citation)
SPECIES Cryptotis merriami   (match on citation)
SPECIES Cryptotis montivaga   (match on citation)
SPECIES Cryptotis nigrescens   (match on citation)
SPECIES Cryptotis orophila   (match on citation)
SPECIES Cryptotis peruviensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Cryptotis squamipes   (match on citation)
GENUS Chodsigoa   (match on citation)
SPECIES Chodsigoa parca   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Chodsigoa parca parca   (match on citation)
SPECIES Chodsigoa parva   (match on citation)
SPECIES Chodsigoa salenskii   (match on citation)
SPECIES Episoriculus caudatus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Episoriculus caudatus caudatus   (match on citation)
GENUS Megasorex   (match on citation)
SPECIES Notiosorex cockrumi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sorex (Sorex) buchariensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sorex (Sorex) cylindricauda   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sorex (Sorex) excelsus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sorex (Otisorex) gaspensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sorex (Sorex) hosonoi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sorex (Sorex) satunini   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sorex (Sorex) volnuchini   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Sorex (Sorex) volnuchini volnuchini   (match on citation)
GENUS Scalopus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Scapanus orarius   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Scapanus orarius orarius   (match on citation)
SPECIES Galemys pyrenaicus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Galemys pyrenaicus pyrenaicus   (match on citation)
TRIBE Scaptonychini   (match on citation)
GENUS Scaptonyx   (match on citation)
SPECIES Scaptonyx fusicaudus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Talpa caucasica   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Talpa caucasica caucasica   (match on citation)
GENUS Dymecodon   (match on citation)
SPECIES Dymecodon pilirostris   (match on citation)
GENUS Uropsilus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Uropsilus soricipes   (match on citation)
GENUS Balionycteris   (match on citation)
GENUS Chironax   (match on citation)
SPECIES Cynopterus horsfieldii   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Cynopterus horsfieldii horsfieldii   (match on citation)
SPECIES Cynopterus nusatenggara   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Cynopterus nusatenggara nusatenggara   (match on citation)
SPECIES Dobsonia pannietensis   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Dobsonia pannietensis pannietensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Dobsonia peronii   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Dobsonia peronii peronii   (match on citation)
GENUS Dyacopterus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Epomophorus angolensis   (match on citation)
GENUS Epomops   (match on citation)
SPECIES Epomops buettikoferi   (match on citation)
GENUS Haplonycteris   (match on citation)
SPECIES Haplonycteris fischeri   (match on citation)
GENUS Lissonycteris   (match on citation)
SPECIES Macroglossus minimus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Macroglossus minimus minimus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Melonycteris (Nesonycteris) fardoulisi   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Melonycteris (Nesonycteris) fardoulisi fardoulisi   (match on citation)
GENUS Micropteropus   (match on citation)
GENUS Myonycteris   (match on citation)
SUBGENUS Myonycteris   (match on citation)
SPECIES Myonycteris (Myonycteris) torquata   (match on citation)
GENUS Nanonycteris   (match on citation)
SPECIES Nanonycteris veldkampii   (match on citation)
SPECIES Notopteris neocaledonica   (match on citation)
SPECIES Nyctimene keasti   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Nyctimene keasti keasti   (match on citation)
SPECIES Nyctimene malaitensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Nyctimene masalai   (match on citation)
SPECIES Nyctimene rabori   (match on citation)
GENUS Paranyctimene   (match on citation)
SPECIES Paranyctimene raptor   (match on citation)
GENUS Penthetor   (match on citation)
SPECIES Ptenochirus minor   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pteralopex acrodonta   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pteralopex pulchra   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pteropus aldabrensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pteropus anetianus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Pteropus anetianus anetianus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pteropus brunneus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pteropus caniceps   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Pteropus caniceps caniceps   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pteropus faunulus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pteropus gilliardorum   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pteropus griseus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Pteropus griseus griseus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pteropus lombocensis   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Pteropus lombocensis lombocensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pteropus mahaganus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pteropus melanotus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Pteropus melanotus melanotus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pteropus nitendiensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pteropus ornatus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Pteropus ornatus ornatus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pteropus pumilus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pteropus rayneri   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Pteropus rayneri rayneri   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pteropus rennelli   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pteropus rodricensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pteropus rufus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pteropus tokudae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rousettus (Rousettus) aegyptiacus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Rousettus (Rousettus) aegyptiacus aegyptiacus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rousettus (Rousettus) amplexicaudatus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Rousettus (Rousettus) amplexicaudatus amplexicaudatus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rousettus (Boneia) bidens   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rousettus (Rousettus) spinalatus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sphaerias blanfordi   (match on citation)
GENUS Styloctenium   (match on citation)
GENUS Syconycteris   (match on citation)
SPECIES Syconycteris hobbit   (match on citation)
GENUS Thoopterus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Thoopterus nigrescens   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rhinolophus bocharicus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rhinolophus capensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rhinolophus cognatus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Rhinolophus cognatus cognatus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rhinolophus formosae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rhinolophus fumigatus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Rhinolophus fumigatus fumigatus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rhinolophus hillorum   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rhinolophus imaizumii   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rhinolophus maclaudi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rhinolophus montanus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rhinolophus osgoodi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rhinolophus paradoxolophus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rhinolophus pearsonii   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Rhinolophus pearsonii pearsonii   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rhinolophus rex   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rhinolophus ruwenzorii   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rhinolophus shameli   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rhinolophus swinnyi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Asellia patrizii   (match on citation)
SPECIES Asellia tridens   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Asellia tridens tridens   (match on citation)
GENUS Aselliscus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Coelops robinsoni   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Coelops robinsoni robinsoni   (match on citation)
SPECIES Hipposideros abae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Hipposideros breviceps   (match on citation)
SPECIES Hipposideros commersoni   (match on citation)
SPECIES Hipposideros diadema   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Hipposideros diadema diadema   (match on citation)
SPECIES Hipposideros edwardshilli   (match on citation)
SPECIES Hipposideros grandis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Hipposideros halophyllus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Hipposideros macrobullatus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Hipposideros madurae   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Hipposideros madurae madurae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Hipposideros maggietaylorae   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Hipposideros maggietaylorae maggietaylorae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Hipposideros muscinus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Hipposideros papua   (match on citation)
SPECIES Hipposideros ridleyi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Hipposideros sorenseni   (match on citation)
GENUS Paracoelops   (match on citation)
SPECIES Paracoelops megalotis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Triaenops auritus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Triaenops furculus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Lavia frons   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Lavia frons frons   (match on citation)
GENUS Megaderma   (match on citation)
SUBGENUS Megaderma   (match on citation)
SPECIES Megaderma (Lyroderma) lyra   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Megaderma (Lyroderma) lyra lyra   (match on citation)
FAMILY Craseonycteridae   (match on citation)
GENUS Craseonycteris   (match on citation)
SPECIES Craseonycteris thonglongyai   (match on citation)
SPECIES Saccolaimus mixtus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Taphozous (Taphozous) hilli   (match on citation)
SPECIES Taphozous (Taphozous) troughtoni   (match on citation)
SPECIES Emballonura beccarii   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Emballonura beccarii beccarii   (match on citation)
SPECIES Peropteryx (Peropteryx) trinitatis   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Peropteryx (Peropteryx) trinitatis trinitatis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Nycteris javanica   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Nycteris javanica javanica   (match on citation)
SPECIES Nycteris madagascariensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Desmodus rotundus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Diaemus youngi   (match on citation)
SUBFAMILY Phyllonycterinae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Phyllonycteris (Phyllonycteris) major   (match on citation)
SPECIES Anoura caudifer   (match on citation)
SPECIES Anoura cultrata   (match on citation)
GENUS Glossophaga   (match on citation)
SPECIES Glossophaga commissarisi   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Glossophaga commissarisi commissarisi   (match on citation)
GENUS Musonycteris   (match on citation)
SPECIES Musonycteris harrisoni   (match on citation)
TRIBE Lonchophyllini   (match on citation)
SPECIES Lonchophylla handleyi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Lonchophylla hesperia   (match on citation)
SPECIES Lonchophylla robusta   (match on citation)
SPECIES Lonchophylla thomasi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Lonchorhina orinocensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Lophostoma carrikeri   (match on citation)
SPECIES Lophostoma evotis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Lophostoma schulzi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Micronycteris brosseti   (match on citation)
SPECIES Micronycteris matses   (match on citation)
SPECIES Micronycteris sanborni   (match on citation)
SPECIES Micronycteris schmidtorum   (match on citation)
SPECIES Mimon crenulatum   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Mimon crenulatum crenulatum   (match on citation)
SPECIES Mimon koepckeae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Phyllostomus elongatus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Tonatia saurophila   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Tonatia saurophila saurophila   (match on citation)
SUBFAMILY Carolliinae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Carollia sowelli   (match on citation)
TRIBE Sturnirini   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sturnira (Sturnira) aratathomasi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sturnira (Sturnira) lilium   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Sturnira (Sturnira) lilium lilium   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sturnira (Sturnira) ludovici   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Sturnira (Sturnira) ludovici ludovici   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sturnira (Sturnira) luisi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sturnira (Sturnira) mordax   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sturnira (Corvira) nana   (match on citation)
SPECIES Artibeus (Dermanura) anderseni   (match on citation)
SPECIES Artibeus (Artibeus) fraterculus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Chiroderma doriae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Chiroderma improvisum   (match on citation)
SPECIES Chiroderma salvini   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Chiroderma salvini salvini   (match on citation)
SPECIES Chiroderma trinitatum   (match on citation)
GENUS Ectophylla   (match on citation)
SPECIES Ectophylla alba   (match on citation)
SPECIES Platyrrhinus brachycephalus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Platyrrhinus lineatus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Platyrrhinus lineatus lineatus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Vampyressa (Vampyriscus) bidens   (match on citation)
SPECIES Vampyressa (Metavampyressa) brocki   (match on citation)
SPECIES Furipterus horrens   (match on citation)
FAMILY Thyropteridae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Natalus jamaicensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Natalus primus   (match on citation)
SUBFAMILY Tomopeatinae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Chaerephon aloysiisabaudiae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Chaerephon bemmeleni   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Chaerephon bemmeleni bemmeleni   (match on citation)
SPECIES Chaerephon chapini   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Chaerephon chapini chapini   (match on citation)
SPECIES Chaerephon russatus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Cynomops greenhalli   (match on citation)
SPECIES Eumops underwoodi   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Eumops underwoodi underwoodi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Molossops (Cabreramops) aequatorianus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Molossops (Molossops) neglectus   (match on citation)
GENUS Molossus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Molossus coibensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Molossus rufus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Molossus sinaloae   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Molossus sinaloae sinaloae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Mops (Mops) congicus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Mops (Mops) leucostigma   (match on citation)
SPECIES Mops (Xiphonycteris) nanulus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Mops (Mops) niangarae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Mops (Xiphonycteris) petersoni   (match on citation)
SPECIES Mops (Mops) sarasinorum   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Mops (Mops) sarasinorum sarasinorum   (match on citation)
SPECIES Mops (Mops) trevori   (match on citation)
SPECIES Mormopterus doriae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Mormopterus loriae   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Mormopterus loriae loriae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Mormopterus minutus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Nyctinomops laticaudatus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Nyctinomops laticaudatus laticaudatus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Otomops johnstonei   (match on citation)
SPECIES Otomops secundus   (match on citation)
GENUS Sauromys   (match on citation)
SPECIES Sauromys petrophilus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Sauromys petrophilus petrophilus   (match on citation)
GENUS Arielulus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Arielulus cuprosus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Arielulus societatis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Eptesicus (Eptesicus) andinus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Eptesicus (Eptesicus) diminutus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Eptesicus (Eptesicus) diminutus diminutus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Eptesicus (Eptesicus) dimissus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Eptesicus (Eptesicus) fuscus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Eptesicus (Eptesicus) fuscus fuscus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Eptesicus (Eptesicus) guadeloupensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Eptesicus (Eptesicus) japonensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Hesperoptenus (Milithronycteris) gaskelli   (match on citation)
TRIBE Lasiurini   (match on citation)
SPECIES Lasiurus (Lasiurus) castaneus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Lasiurus (Lasiurus) cinereus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Lasiurus (Lasiurus) cinereus cinereus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Lasiurus (Dasypterus) insularis   (match on citation)
GENUS Nycticeinops   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rhogeessa (Rhogeessa) aeneus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rhogeessa (Rhogeessa) hussoni   (match on citation)
SPECIES Rhogeessa (Rhogeessa) mira   (match on citation)
SPECIES Scotoecus albofuscus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Scotoecus albofuscus albofuscus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Scotophilus borbonicus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Scotophilus nucella   (match on citation)
SPECIES Nyctophilus heran   (match on citation)
SPECIES Nyctophilus timoriensis   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Nyctophilus timoriensis timoriensis   (match on citation)
TRIBE Pipistrellini   (match on citation)
SPECIES Nyctalus furvus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pipistrellus (Pipistrellus) adamsi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pipistrellus (Pipistrellus) endoi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pipistrellus (Pipistrellus) maderensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pipistrellus (Pipistrellus) minahassae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pipistrellus (Pipistrellus) papuanus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pipistrellus (Perimyotis) subflavus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Pipistrellus (Perimyotis) subflavus subflavus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pipistrellus (Pipistrellus) wattsi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Pipistrellus (Pipistrellus) westralis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Corynorhinus mexicanus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Euderma maculatum   (match on citation)
GENUS Idionycteris   (match on citation)
SPECIES Idionycteris phyllotis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Plecotus taivanus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Eudiscopus denticulus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Falsistrellus mackenziei   (match on citation)
SPECIES Falsistrellus petersi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Glauconycteris alboguttata   (match on citation)
SPECIES Glauconycteris gleni   (match on citation)
SPECIES Glauconycteris humeralis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Hypsugo anthonyi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Hypsugo bodenheimeri   (match on citation)
SPECIES Laephotis angolensis   (match on citation)
GENUS Neoromicia   (match on citation)
SPECIES Neoromicia melckorum   (match on citation)
SPECIES Neoromicia zuluensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Vespadelus baverstocki   (match on citation)
SPECIES Vespadelus douglasorum   (match on citation)
SPECIES Vespadelus finlaysoni   (match on citation)
SPECIES Vespadelus troughtoni   (match on citation)
GENUS Bauerus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Bauerus dubiaquercus   (match on citation)
SUBFAMILY Myotinae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Cistugo lesueuri   (match on citation)
SPECIES Myotis albescens   (match on citation)
SPECIES Myotis anjouanensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Myotis auriculus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Myotis auriculus auriculus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Myotis australis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Myotis cobanensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Myotis elegans   (match on citation)
SPECIES Myotis emarginatus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Myotis emarginatus emarginatus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Myotis fortidens   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Myotis fortidens fortidens   (match on citation)
SPECIES Myotis frater   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Myotis frater frater   (match on citation)
SPECIES Myotis hosonoi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Myotis ikonnikovi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Myotis insularum   (match on citation)
SPECIES Myotis keaysi   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Myotis keaysi keaysi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Myotis martiniquensis   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Myotis martiniquensis martiniquensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Myotis morrisi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Myotis muricola   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Myotis muricola muricola   (match on citation)
SPECIES Myotis ozensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Myotis pruinosus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Myotis riparius   (match on citation)
SPECIES Myotis ruber   (match on citation)
SPECIES Myotis sodalis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Myotis velifer   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Myotis velifer velifer   (match on citation)
SPECIES Myotis vivesi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Myotis yesoensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Miniopterus africanus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Miniopterus magnater   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Miniopterus magnater magnater   (match on citation)
SPECIES Miniopterus paululus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Miniopterus paululus paululus   (match on citation)
SUBFAMILY Murininae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Murina (Murina) aenea   (match on citation)
SPECIES Murina (Murina) rozendaali   (match on citation)
SPECIES Murina (Murina) silvatica   (match on citation)
SPECIES Murina (Murina) tenebrosa   (match on citation)
SPECIES Murina (Murina) ussuriensis   (match on citation)
SUBFAMILY Kerivoulinae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Kerivoula africana   (match on citation)
SPECIES Kerivoula intermedia   (match on citation)
SPECIES Kerivoula muscina   (match on citation)
SPECIES Phoniscus papuensis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Manis (Manis) crassicaudata   (match on citation)
GENUS Acinonyx   (match on citation)
GENUS Caracal   (match on citation)
SPECIES Puma yagouaroundi   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Puma yagouaroundi yagouaroundi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Macrogalidia musschenbroekii   (match on citation)
SPECIES Viverricula indica   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Viverricula indica indica   (match on citation)
GENUS Nandinia   (match on citation)
SPECIES Herpestes naso   (match on citation)
GENUS Atelocynus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Ailuropoda melanoleuca   (match on citation)
SPECIES Monachus tropicalis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Lutra nippon   (match on citation)
SPECIES Ictonyx striatus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Ictonyx striatus striatus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Martes gwatkinsii   (match on citation)
SPECIES Neovison macrodon   (match on citation)
SPECIES Bassaricyon lasius   (match on citation)
GENUS Nasuella   (match on citation)
GENUS Babyrousa   (match on citation)
SPECIES Potamochoerus larvatus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Potamochoerus larvatus larvatus   (match on citation)
GENUS Catagonus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Catagonus wagneri   (match on citation)
GENUS Moschiola   (match on citation)
SUBFAMILY Capreolinae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Hippocamelus antisensis   (match on citation)
GENUS Elaphodus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Elaphodus cephalophus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Elaphodus cephalophus cephalophus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Muntiacus feae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Muntiacus rooseveltorum   (match on citation)
SUBFAMILY Aepycerotinae   (match on citation)
SPECIES Alcelaphus caama   (match on citation)
SPECIES Damaliscus superstes   (match on citation)
SPECIES Gazella spekei   (match on citation)
GENUS Saiga   (match on citation)
SPECIES Capricornis milneedwardsii   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Capricornis milneedwardsii milneedwardsii   (match on citation)
SPECIES Capricornis rubidus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Naemorhedus griseus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Naemorhedus griseus griseus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Ovis dalli   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Ovis dalli dalli   (match on citation)
SPECIES Cephalophus spadix   (match on citation)
SPECIES Cephalophus weynsi   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Cephalophus weynsi weynsi   (match on citation)
SPECIES Hippotragus equinus   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Hippotragus equinus equinus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Eubalaena japonica   (match on citation)
SPECIES Grampus griseus   (match on citation)
GENUS Lagenodelphis   (match on citation)
SPECIES Lagenodelphis hosei   (match on citation)
GENUS Orcaella   (match on citation)
SPECIES Orcaella brevirostris   (match on citation)
GENUS Sotalia   (match on citation)
SPECIES Phocoena dioptrica   (match on citation)
GENUS Phocoenoides   (match on citation)
SPECIES Phocoenoides dalli   (match on citation)
SUBSPECIES Phocoenoides dalli dalli   (match on citation)
SPECIES Platanista minor   (match on citation)
GENUS Inia   (match on citation)
SPECIES Berardius bairdii   (match on citation)
SPECIES Indopacetus pacificus   (match on citation)
SPECIES Mesoplodon bowdoini   (match on citation)
SPECIES Mesoplodon stejnegeri   (match on citation)
GENUS Glaucomys   (match on type species)
GENUS Marmota   (match on type species)
SUBGENUS Marmota   (match on type species)
GENUS Spermophilus   (match on type species)
SUBGENUS Spermophilus   (match on type species)
GENUS Dryomys   (match on type species)
GENUS Muscardinus   (match on type species)
GENUS Heteromys   (match on type species)
SUBGENUS Heteromys   (match on type species)
GENUS Allactaga   (match on type species, comments)
SUBGENUS Allactaga   (match on type species)
GENUS Dipus   (match on type species)
GENUS Jaculus   (match on type species)
GENUS Sicista   (match on type species)
GENUS Myospalax   (match on type species)
GENUS Dendromus   (match on type species)
GENUS Arvicola   (match on type species)
GENUS Dicrostonyx   (match on type species)
GENUS Ellobius   (match on type species)
SUBGENUS Ellobius   (match on type species)
GENUS Lagurus   (match on type species, comments)
GENUS Lemmus   (match on type species)
GENUS Microtus   (match on type species)
SUBGENUS Microtus   (match on type species)
GENUS Myodes   (match on type species, comments)
GENUS Cricetulus   (match on type species)
GENUS Cricetus   (match on type species)
GENUS Neotoma   (match on type species)
SUBGENUS Neotoma   (match on type species)
GENUS Peromyscus   (match on type species)
GENUS Abrothrix   (match on type species)
GENUS Calomys   (match on type species)
GENUS Graomys   (match on type species)
GENUS Irenomys   (match on type species)
GENUS Kunsia   (match on type species)
GENUS Loxodontomys   (match on type species)
GENUS Megalomys   (match on type species)
GENUS Nectomys   (match on type species)
GENUS Oryzomys   (match on type species)
GENUS Oxymycterus   (match on type species)
GENUS Phyllotis   (match on type species)
GENUS Scapteromys   (match on type species)
GENUS Thalpomys   (match on type species)
GENUS Thaptomys   (match on type species)
GENUS Wiedomys   (match on type species)
GENUS Acomys   (match on type species)
SUBGENUS Acomys   (match on type species)
GENUS Lophuromys   (match on type species)
SUBGENUS Lophuromys   (match on type species)
GENUS Meriones   (match on type species)
SUBGENUS Meriones   (match on type species)
GENUS Apodemus   (match on type species, comments)
GENUS Bandicota   (match on type species)
GENUS Bunomys   (match on type species)
GENUS Chiromyscus   (match on type species)
GENUS Chiropodomys   (match on type species, comments)
GENUS Dasymys   (match on type species)
GENUS Dephomys   (match on type species)
GENUS Grammomys   (match on type species)
GENUS Hadromys   (match on type species)
GENUS Haeromys   (match on type species)
GENUS Hybomys   (match on type species)
SUBGENUS Hybomys   (match on type species)
GENUS Hyomys   (match on type species)
GENUS Leggadina   (match on type species)
GENUS Lemniscomys   (match on type species)
GENUS Lenomys   (match on type species)
GENUS Leopoldamys   (match on type species)
GENUS Madromys   (match on type species, comments)
GENUS Mastomys   (match on type species, comments)
GENUS Maxomys   (match on type species, comments)
GENUS Mesembriomys   (match on type species)
GENUS Micaelamys   (match on type species)
GENUS Micromys   (match on type species, comments)
GENUS Muriculus   (match on type species, comments)
GENUS Mus   (match on type species, comments)
SUBGENUS Mus   (match on type species)
GENUS Niviventer   (match on type species)
GENUS Oenomys   (match on type species)
GENUS Papagomys   (match on type species)
GENUS Pelomys   (match on type species)
GENUS Phloeomys   (match on type species)
GENUS Pogonomys   (match on type species)
GENUS Rhabdomys   (match on type species)
GENUS Rhagamys   (match on type species, comments)
GENUS Taeromys   (match on type species)
GENUS Thallomys   (match on type species)
GENUS Uromys   (match on type species, comments)
SUBGENUS Uromys   (match on type species)
GENUS Vandeleuria   (match on type species)
GENUS Zyzomys   (match on type species)
GENUS Ctenodactylus   (match on type species)
GENUS Bathyergus   (match on type species)
GENUS Georychus   (match on type species)
GENUS Cavia   (match on type species)
GENUS Dasyprocta   (match on type species)
GENUS Cuniculus   (match on type species)
GENUS Spalacopus   (match on type species)
GENUS Myocastor   (match on type species)
SPECIES Nesoryzomys indefessus   (match on status)
SPECIES Megalomys desmarestii   (match on synonyms)
SPECIES Oecomys catherinae   (match on synonyms)
SPECIES Oryzomys russatus   (match on synonyms)
SPECIES Oryzomys subflavus   (match on synonyms)
SPECIES Leopoldamys ciliatus   (match on synonyms)
SPECIES Mus (Mus) fragilicauda   (match on synonyms)
SPECIES Rattus satarae   (match on synonyms)
SPECIES Chinchilla lanigera   (match on synonyms)
FAMILY Myrmecobiidae   (match on comments)
ORDER RODENTIA   (match on comments)
SPECIES Geomys pinetis   (match on comments)
SUPERFAMILY Muroidea   (match on comments)
GENUS Holochilus   (match on comments)
SPECIES Megaoryzomys curioi   (match on comments)
GENUS Melanomys   (match on comments)
SPECIES Nesoryzomys swarthi   (match on comments)
SPECIES Oligoryzomys nigripes   (match on comments)
SPECIES Oxymycterus dasytrichus   (match on comments)
SPECIES Oxymycterus rufus   (match on comments)
GENUS Uranomys   (match on comments)
SUBFAMILY Murinae   (match on comments)
SPECIES Apodemus argenteus   (match on comments)
SPECIES Apodemus pallipes   (match on comments)
SPECIES Apodemus rusiges   (match on comments)
SPECIES Apodemus sylvaticus   (match on comments)
SPECIES Apodemus witherbyi   (match on comments)
SPECIES Bandicota indica   (match on comments)
SPECIES Diplothrix legata   (match on comments)
SPECIES Grammomys poensis   (match on comments)
SPECIES Hapalomys longicaudatus   (match on comments)
SPECIES Kadarsanomys sodyi   (match on comments)
SPECIES Lemniscomys striatus   (match on comments)
SPECIES Leopoldamys edwardsi   (match on comments)
SPECIES Madromys blanfordi   (match on comments)
GENUS Malacomys   (match on comments)
GENUS Malpaisomys   (match on comments)
SPECIES Malpaisomys insularis   (match on comments)
SPECIES Maxomys hylomyoides   (match on comments)
SPECIES Maxomys surifer   (match on comments)
SPECIES Micromys minutus   (match on comments)
SPECIES Mus (Nannomys) baoulei   (match on comments)
SPECIES Mus (Mus) booduga   (match on comments)
SPECIES Mus (Nannomys) callewaerti   (match on comments)
SPECIES Mus (Mus) caroli   (match on comments)
SPECIES Mus (Mus) cervicolor   (match on comments)
SPECIES Mus (Mus) cookii   (match on comments)
SPECIES Mus (Mus) famulus   (match on comments)
SPECIES Mus (Mus) macedonicus   (match on comments)
SPECIES Mus (Nannomys) mahomet   (match on comments)
SPECIES Mus (Nannomys) mattheyi   (match on comments)
SPECIES Mus (Coelomys) mayori   (match on comments)
SPECIES Mus (Nannomys) musculoides   (match on comments)
SPECIES Mus (Mus) musculus   (match on comments)
SPECIES Mus (Nannomys) neavei   (match on comments)
SPECIES Mus (Nannomys) oubanguii   (match on comments)
SPECIES Mus (Coelomys) pahari   (match on comments)
SPECIES Mus (Pyromys) saxicola   (match on comments)
SPECIES Mus (Mus) spicilegus   (match on comments)
SPECIES Mus (Mus) spretus   (match on comments)
SPECIES Mus (Mus) terricolor   (match on comments)
SPECIES Mus (Nannomys) triton   (match on comments)
SPECIES Mus (Coelomys) vulcani   (match on comments)
SPECIES Myomyscus angolensis   (match on comments)
GENUS Praomys   (match on comments)
GENUS Pseudomys   (match on comments)
SPECIES Rattus palmarum   (match on comments)
SPECIES Solomys salamonis   (match on comments)
SPECIES Stochomys longicaudatus   (match on comments)
SPECIES Thallomys paedulcus   (match on comments)
GENUS Tokudaia   (match on comments)
SPECIES Vandeleuria nilagirica   (match on comments)
GENUS Sphiggurus   (match on comments)
GENUS Chinchilla   (match on comments)
SPECIES Dasyprocta leporina   (match on comments)
GENUS Capromys   (match on comments)
SPECIES Capromys pilorides   (match on comments)

Results returned: 1398


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