The YSI sondes are currently located near Milton (West Branch) and Danville (North Branch). They are part of the Susquehanna RIver Basin Commission's effort to establish a Early Warning System in this portion of the watershed. Information gathered from these sondes can help scientists and regulators protect citizens from contamination and alert us to environmental concerns.

YSI Sonde
Heartland Coalition scientists also have several additional "roving" sondes which they can move and place at various locations along the river. For example, during the summer 2009, sondes were deployed below Sunbury to examine mixing and water chemistry variability downstream of the North and West Branches.

At other times, these roving sondes can be moved to other reaches to monitoring downstream trends in total dissolved solids, turbity, dissolved oxygen, and temperature. This kind of information is needed by scientists to determine the temporal and spatial variability of the Susquehanna RIver and assess