Student Reports
& Bibliographies

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As required by the terms of the AsiaNetwork Faculty-Student Research Grant, this web site has to make the research projects of the student participants available for public viewing. As future students work derive research projects from the Beaucarnot web site, their biographical information and reports will be added.

Navigation: Click on a project title to download the individual report in PDF format.

Ryan Mayfield

Oakdale, California,
California Lutheran University Class of 2004
Project Title: "The Road Less Traveled: Automobiles in French Colonial Indochina "


Michael Barker

San Diego, California,
California Lutheran University Class of 2003
Project Title Unintended Yet Essential Political Ties: The Christian and Missionary Alliance in French Indochina


Brusta Brown

Saugus, California,
California Lutheran University Class of 2004
Project Title What it means to be a Métis in Vietnam



Navigation: Click on one of the links below for additional information.
Retrace Claidie's journey by clicking on the "navigating the digital journey" link.
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