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HOME --> CLASS MAMMALIA  --> ORDER RODENTIA  --> SUBORDER MYOMORPHA  --> SUPERFAMILY Muroidea  --> FAMILY Cricetidae  --> SUBFAMILY Sigmodontinae  --> GENUS Oxymycterus

SPECIES Oxymycterus quaestor

Author:Thomas, 1903.
Citation:Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 7, 11: 226.
Common Name:Quaestor Hocicudo
Type Locality:Brazil, Paraná State, Serra do Mar, Roça Nova.
Distribution:NE Argentina (Misiones), SE Brazil (N Rio Grande do Sul to Rio de Janeiro), and perhaps extreme E Paraguay.
Comments:Oxymycterus quaestor, judex, and misionalis were all described as species, but Cabrera (1961) and Reig (1987) considered them to be subspecific synonyms of O. hispidus, as subsequently observed (Corbet and Hill, 1991; Musser and Carleton, 1993). Recent checklists have referenced some or all as species, without explanation (e.g., Fonseca et al., 1996; Galliari et al., 1996; Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez, 1997). Hoffmann et al. (2002) too acknowledged the three as species; however, their analytical samples are substantially congruent in morphometric space (CVA based on 29 craniodental measurements), a posteriori misclassification among the three is relatively high, and molecular samples of two (judex and quaestor) form a clade that appears comparable to intraspecific sequence divergence levels presented for other species (e.g., O. dasytrichus, O. delator, and O. rufus). We provisionally retain the three as one species, pending unambiguous argument for their specific status.



    judex Thomas, 1909
    misionalis Sanborn, 1931

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