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SPECIES Oryzomys lamia

Author:Thomas, 1901.
Citation:Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 7, 8: 528.
Common Name:Buffy-sided Oryzomys
Type Locality:Brazil, Minas Gerais State, along Rio Jordão, a small tributary of the Rio Paranaíba, 800 m.
Distribution:Limited to Cerrado in Minas Gerais and Goiás states, C Brazil (see Bonvicino et al., 1998a).
Status:IUCN – Lower Risk (lc). Considered vulnerable by Bonvicino et al. (1998a).
Comments:Retained as a species (e.g., Gyldenstolpe, 1932; Musser and Carleton, 1993) until reallocated to the synonymy of O. russatus by Musser et al. (1998). However, clear morphometric differentiation (Musser et al., 1998) and divergent karyotype (2n = 58, FN = 82; Bonvicino et al., 1998a) from O. russatus (2n = 80, FN = 86; Silva et al., 2000) recommend specific recognition. Allied to O. intermedius (= O. russatus) according to Thomas (1901b) and with the O. nitidus group sensu Musser et al. (1998).



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