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SPECIES Oryzomys chapmani

Author:Thomas, 1898.
Citation:Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 7, 1: 179.
Common Name:Chapman’s Oryzomys
Type Locality:México, Veracruz State, Jalapa, 4400 ft (1341 m).
Distribution:Cloud forest elevations of Sierra Madre Oriental (Tamaulipas to Veracruz), Sistema Montañosa (N Oaxaca), and Sierra Madre del Sur (S Oaxaca and Guerrero), México.
Status:IUCN – Lower Risk (lc).
Comments:Relegated to a subspecies of O. alfaroi by Goldman (1918). Goodwin (1969) recognized caudatus as distinct from O. alfaroi in N Oaxaca, but, as earlier arranged by Merriam (1901), O. chapmani has priority for this Mexican species. We view O. saturatior as the vicariant relative of O. chapmani (revision in progress). Karyotype reported, as O. caudatus, by Haiduk et al. (1979).



    caudatus Merriam, 1901
    dilutior Merriam, 1901
    guerrerensis Goldman, 1915
    huastecae Dalquest, 1951

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