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SPECIES Oryzomys angouya

Author:Fischer, 1814.
Citation:Zoognosia. Tabulis synopticis, illustrate: 71.
Common Name:Angouya Oryzomys
Type Locality:Paraguay, Misiones Dept., east of the Río Paraguay, 2.7 km (by road) N San Antonio (as fixed by neotype designation by Musser et al., 1998).
Distribution:SE Brazil, NE Argentina, and E Paraguay.
Status:IUCN – Lower Risk (lc) as O. buccinatus and O. ratticeps.
Comments:Oryzomys angouya is the oldest available name based on Azara’s (1801) "Rat troisieme, ou Rat Angouya," a species conventionally known as O. buccinatus and-or O. ratticeps (Avila-Pires, 1960a; Cabrera, 1961; Ellerman, 1941; Gyldenstolpe, 1932; Hershkovitz, 1959a; Moojen, 1952; Musser and Carleton, 1993; Thomas, 1924b). Morphology characterized, neotype designated, and synonyms attributed by Musser et al. (1998). Slight karyotypic variation, reflecting supernumerary chromosomes, reported for specimens from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2n = 80-82, FN = 88-90; Pereira et al., 2001)



    angouya (Desmarest, 1819)
    anguya (Rengger, 1830)
    buccinatus (Olfers, 1818)
    leucogaster (Wagner, 1845)
    paraganus Thomas, 1924
    ratticeps (Hensel, 1872)
    rex (Winge, 1887)
    tropicius Thomas, 1924

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