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SPECIES Oryzomys albigularis

Author:Tomes, 1860.
Citation:Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1860: 264.
Common Name:White-throated Oryzomys
Type Locality:Ecuador, Chimborazo Prov., Pallatanga, 4950 ft (1509 m).
Distribution:Montane forests of N and W Venezuela, easternmost Panamá, Andes of Colombia and Ecuador, to N Perú.
Status:IUCN – Lower Risk (lc).
Comments:Hershkovitz’s (1944) footnoted listing of specific synonyms of O. albigularis set the precedent for Cabrera’s (1961) arrangement of the South American forms as subspecies, a viewpoint reiterated in regional studies (e.g., Handley, 1966a, 1976). Gardner and Patton (1976) demonstrated the composite nature of Hershkovitz’s (1944) and Cabrera’s (1961) concept of albigularis; however, the determination of priority and refinement of distributions require much museum-based research. Here we follow the taxonomy of Gardner and Patton (1976), Patton et al. (1990), and Márquez et al. (2000) in recognizing O. auriventer, O. caracolus, O. devius, O. keaysi, O. levipes, and O. meridensis as separate species (see those accounts). Gardner and Patton (1976) reassociated Cabrera’s (1961) name-combination O. a. boliviae as a junior synonym of O. nitidus. Potential and actual distribution in Venezuela evaluated using GIS techniques by Anderson (2003b).



    childi Thomas, 1895
    maculiventer J. A. Allen, 1891
    moerex Thomas, 1914
    oconnelli J. A. Allen, 1913
    pectoralis J. A. Allen, 1912
    pirrensis Goldman, 1913
    villosus J. A. Allen, 1899

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