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HOME --> CLASS MAMMALIA  --> ORDER RODENTIA  --> SUBORDER MYOMORPHA  --> SUPERFAMILY Muroidea  --> FAMILY Cricetidae  --> SUBFAMILY Sigmodontinae  --> GENUS Oligoryzomys

SPECIES Oligoryzomys longicaudatus

Author:Bennett, 1832.
Citation:Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1832: 2.
Common Name:Long-tailed Colilargo
Type Locality:Chile, Valparaíso Prov. (as suggested by Osgood, 1943:143).
Distribution:N Chile and NW Argentina, southwards along Andes to approximately to 50°S latitude; extralimital in EC Argentina (Buenos Aires Prov.); range limits uncertain.
Status:IUCN – Lower Risk (lc).
Comments:Formerly encompassed most Andean populations of Oligoryzomys (see Cabrera, 1961), including destructor and magellanicus (see those specific accounts). Morphometric variation among Chilean populations investigated by Gallardo and Palma (1990), who placed philippii in full synonymy with O. longicaudatus and removed magellanicus to specific status. Populations of O. longicaudatus (OMNH 2412, 2423, 2445, 2471) and O. destructor (see Distribution in that account) apparently approach one another in Tucumán Prov., NW Argentina. That in Buenos Aires Prov., EC Argentina, described as longicaudatus pampanus by Massoia (1973), is extralimital to the principally Andean distribution of the species as currently understood, but other isolated occurrences have been reported from intermediate provinces (La Pampa and Río Negro—De Santis et al., 2001). Relationships, validity of included synonyms, and level of divergence from allopatric forms like O. destructor and O. nigripes warrant intensive study (see commentary in Carleton and Musser [1989], Mares et al. [1997], and Pardiñas et al. [2003b]). Attribution of numerous Philippi (1900) epithets follows Osgood (1943).



    agilis (Philippi, 1900)
    amblyrrhynchus (Philippi, 1900)
    araucanus (Philippi, 1900)
    commutatus (Philippi, 1900)
    coppingeri (Thomas, 1881)
    diminutivus (Philippi, 1900)
    dumetorum (Philippi, 1900)
    exiguus (Philippi, 1900)
    glaphyrus (Philippi, 1900)
    macrocercus (Philippi, 1900)
    malaenus (Philippi, 1900)
    melanizon (Philippi, 1900)
    mizurus (Thomas, 1916)
    nigribarbis (Philippi, 1900)
    pampanus (Massoia, 1973)
    pernix (Philippi, 1900)
    peteroanus (Philippi, 1900)
    philippii (Landbeck, 1858)
    saltator (Philippi, 1900)

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