--> SUPERFAMILY Muroidea
--> FAMILY Cricetidae
--> SUBFAMILY Sigmodontinae
--> GENUS Graomys
SPECIES Graomys centralis
Author: | Thomas, 1902. | Citation: | Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 7, 9: 240. | Common Name: | Central Pericote | Type Locality: | Argentina, Córdoba Prov., Cruz del Eje, 600 m. | Distribution: | C Argentina (La Rioja, Catamarca, and Córdoba Provs.); distributional limits uncertain. | Comments: | Described as a subspecies of griseoflavus and early recognized at that rank (Cabrera, 1961; Ellerman, 1941; Gyldenstolpe, 1932); later merged as a full synonym of Phyllotis g. griseoflavus by Hershkovitz (1962). Substantial divergence in allozymes, genomic content, and karyotypes, together with laboratory breeding results, collectively supports the specific status of populations referrable to centralis (Ramírez et al., 2001; Theiler and Blanco, 1996; Theiler and Gardenal, 1994; Theiler et al., 1999; Zambelli et al., 1994), as known from C Argentina. However, whether centralis will prove to be the oldest name to apply to the 2n = 42 karyomorph, versus 2n = 36-38 in G. griseoflavus, or whether other names should be added to its synonymy, will require broader analyses of populations of Graomys, especially those yet included within G. griseoflavus; see Tiranti (1998a) for a thoughtful overview of the geographic ranges of different karyomorphs and the nomenclatural issues to be illuminated in order to apply the proper specific epithets. |