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HOME --> CLASS MAMMALIA  --> ORDER DASYUROMORPHIA  --> FAMILY Dasyuridae  --> SUBFAMILY Dasyurinae  --> TRIBE Dasyurini  --> GENUS Dasyurus

SPECIES Dasyurus viverrinus

Author:Shaw, 1800.
Citation:Gen. Zool. Syst. Nat. Hist., 1(2, Mammalia): 491.
Common Name:Eastern Quoll
Type Locality:Australia, New South Wales, Sydney.
Distribution:Probably survives only in Tasmania; formerly South Australia, New South Wales, and Victoria (Archer, in Tyler, 1979).
Status:U.S ESA – Endangered; IUCN – Lower Risk (nt).
Comments:Dasyurus quoll Zimmermann, 1777 (not Mustela quoll Zimmermann, 1783), is invalid: this work was rejected by Opinion 257 of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (1954a). Also the name Dasyurus maculata Anon., 1791, was suppressed under Article 80 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 1999). "Original" name is now Didelphis viverrina Shaw, 1800.



    alboguttata (Burmeister, 1854)
    guttatus Desmarest, 1804
    maculata (Anon., 1791)
    maugei E. Geoffroy St. Hilaire, 1803
    quoll Zimmermann, 1777

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