
German 220

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Wort oder Satz English Translation
Kalkstein, der, -elimestone
Kalkulation, die, -encalculation, Kap. 11
kalkulierento calculate, Kap. 23
Kampagne, die, -ncampaign, Kap. 21
kämpfento fight, Kap. 22
Kanal, der, Kanälecanal
Kapazität, die, -encapacity, Kap. 01
Kapital, dascapital
Kapitalbesitz, der, no pluralassessts, Kap. 15
Kapitaleigner, -male capital owner, Kap. 13
Kapitaleignerin, die, -nenfemal capital owner, Kap. 13
Kapitalgesellschaft, die, -enjoint-stock company, Kap. 14
kaputt/machento ruin, Kap. 23
Karriere, die, -ncareer, Kap. 17
Kartell, das, -ecartel
Kategorie, die, -ncategory, Kap. 09
Kauf, der, Käufepurchase, Kap. 23
Kaufkraft, diebuying power
Kaufwahrscheinlichkeit, die, -enprobability of selling, Kap. 23
kaumhardly, scarcely, barely, Kap. 03
Kenntnis, die, -seknowledge, in Kenntnis setzen = to inform/advise somebody of something, Kap. 18
Kern, der, -eheart, crux, core, Kap. 17
kesssaucy, pert, Kap. 21
Kette, die, -nchain, Kap. 21
Kilometer, der, -kilometer
Kino, das, -smovie theater, Kap. 23
Kiste, die, -nbox, carton, case, Kap. 23
Klasse, die, -nclass, Kap. 23
klassischclassic, Kap. 21
Kleinbetrieb, der, -esmall concern/business
kletternto climb
Klima, das, no pluralclimate, Kap. 23
knappin short supply
ködernto tempt, to entice, Kap. 10
Kohle, die, -ncoal
Kollektivismus, dercollectivism
Kommandististin, die, -nenfemale limited partner, Kap. 14
Kommanditgesellschaft, die, -enlimited partnership, Kap. 14
Kommanditist, der, -enmale limited partner, Kap. 14
Kommunikationsziel, das, no pluralcommunicative goal, Kap. 23
kommunizierento communicate, Kap. 19
kompaktcompact, Kap. 23
Kompetenz, die, -enauthority, competence, jurisdiction, Kap. 15
Komplementär, der, -emale fully liable partner in a limited partnership, Kap. 14
Komplementärin, die, -nenfemale fully liable partner in a limited partnership, Kap. 14
komplexcomplex, Kap. 17
Kompromiß, der, Kompromissecompromise, Kap. 21
Kondition, die, -encondition
Konflikt, der, -econflict, Kap. 11
konfliktfreifree of conflict, Kap. 17
konfrontierento confront, Kap. 21
Konjunktur, dieeconomic situation
konjunkturelleconomic, Kap. 22
Konkurrenz, diecompetition
konkurrenzfähigcompetitive, Kap. 03
konkurrierento compete, Kap. 22
Konsens, der, no pluralagreement, assent, consent, Kap. 14
konsequentconsistent, Kap. 23
Konservierungsmittel, das, -preservative, Kap. 23
konstatierenconstitute, Kap. 22
Konsum, derconsumption
Konsument, der, -enmale consumer
Konsumentin, die, -nenfemale consumer
Kontingent, das, -equota, share, allotment
Kontinuität, die, -encontinuity, Kap. 19
Konto, das, Kontenaccount, Kap. 10
Kontrolle, die, -ncontrol
kontrollierento control
Kontroverse, die, -ncontroversy, Kap. 09
Konzentration, die, -enconcentration, Kap. 11
konzentrierento concentrate, Kap. 23
Konzept, das, -econcept, Kap. 09
Konzern, der, -ecompany, Kap. 18
Konzert, das, -econcert, Kap. 23
kooperativcooperative, Kap. 19
Korridor, der, -ecorridor
kostengünstigreasonably priced, Kap. 03
kostspieligexpensive, Kap. 14
Kraft, die, Kräftepower
Kraftwagen, der, -motor vehicle
Kraftwerk, das, -epower station
Krankenhaus, das, Krankenhäuserhospital
Kredit, der, -ecredit
Kreditaufnahme, die, -nborrowing, taking out of a loan, Kap. 10
Kreditinstitut, das, -ecredit institution
kreditwürdigworthy of credit, Kap. 10
Kreis, der, -ecircle
Kriterium, das, die Kriteriencriterion, Kap. 14
Kritik, die, no pluralcritique, Kap. 18
kulturellcultural, Kap. 23
Kunde, der, -nmale customer, Kap. 03
Kundenfang, der, no pluraltouting or looking for customers, Kap. 21
kundenorientiertcustomer-oriented, Kap. 22
Kündigung, die, -enfiring or giving one's notice, Kap. 18
Kundin, die, -nenfemale custormer, Kap. 03
Kundschaft, die, no pluralcustomers, Kap. 23
künftigin the future, Kap. 22
Kunst, die, Künsteart, Kap. 09
künstlichartificial, Kap. 09
Kurs, der, -ecourse, line
Kursbuch, das, Kursbüchertimetable
Kurve, die,-ncurve
kurzshort, in short
kürzento shorten, Kap. 21
kurzfristigshort-term, Kap. 10
Küste, die, -ncoast