ower House
Old Poer Plant in 1948

After the construction of the First Wing of the Engineering Building and the enlargement of the Chemical Laboratory, the University had to increase the boiler and generator capacity of the Power House, which was the name now given to the former Heating and Lighting Plant, also formerly known as the Physical Laboratory. In 1922, the University installed a Keeler water tube boiler to replace the two return tubular boilers that had been in use, and new tubes were placed in two of the old boilers to increase the pressure in them. The following year, campus workmen installed a General Electric generator driven by a steam turbine to supplement the two electric generators driven by a steam engine that were in use. These improvements cost approximately $20,000.00

In 1939, the Service Building had been constructed in the space between Tustin Gymnasium and the Power House. The Service Building completely filled the former gap between these two buildings.

The major sources for the information on this page are Memorials of Bucknell University, 1919-1931 (MBU '19-'31) and the Minutes of the Board of Trustees of Bucknell University, 1920-1950 (BT '20-'50).

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