artin House

In 1939, the University purchased the house located at 528 St. George Street. The University had been engaged in negotiations to purchase the house for quite some time.

"The first price quoted was $10,000.00; the second $8,500.00, and now [1939] a price of $8,000.00, cash. While this figure was considered very high by men of the community who were competent to place a valuation on the property, it was deemed advisable to place the proposal before the Committee for its consideration."

The house had been the home of William E. Martin, Class of 1871, College Librarian from 1894 to 1922 and Professor of Logic and Sociology from 1894 to 1923. He was succeeded by his daughter Eliza Martin, Class of 1900, as Librarian from 1922 to 1938. She lived in the house until her death on July 8, 1938. The University remodeled the house as a dormitory to house ten women and a resident hostess.

"The first price..." BT '20-'50, 8/9/1939, p. 1

The major source for the information on this page is the Minutes of the Board of Trustees of Bucknell University, 1920-1950 (BT '20-'50) .

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