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GENUS Juliomys

Author:González, 2000.
Citation:Com. Zool. Mus. Hist. Nat. Montevideo, 12(196): 3.
Type Species:Thomasomys pictipes Osgood, 1933.
Comments:Sigmodontinae incertae sedis. Osgood (1933b) described pictipes as another species of "Thomasomys" endemic to the Atlantic Forest region of SE South America. Provisionally reassigned to Wilfredomys by Musser and Carleton (1993) on the assertions of Osgood (1933b) and Pine (1980b) that pictipes is most closely related to Thomasomys oenax, type species of Avila-Pires’ (1960b) Wilfredomys. With description of Juliomys, all of the principal thomasomyine morphological themes in SE South America have now been generically isolated. However, González’s (2000a) diagnosis serves mainly to repeat or reinforce contrasts between the species pictipes and oenax, whose differentiation is already well established (Osgood, 1933b; Pine, 1980). The broader issue of cladistic relations among these SE endemics still requires elucidation to adjudge generically meaningful clades and tribal memberships among them. In phylogenetic reconstructions based on cytochrome b sequences, the genus emerges as monophyletic (using J. pictipes, J. rimofrons, and an undescribed species from São Paulo, but not Wilfredomys oenax), strongly divergent from Thomasomyini proper, and variably affiliated basally with different sigmodontines (D’Elía et al., 2003; Oliveira and Bonvicino, 2002; Smith and Patton, 1999); suprageneric affinities unresolved. Also see remarks under Delomys.
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