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HOME --> CLASS MAMMALIA  --> ORDER RODENTIA  --> SUBORDER MYOMORPHA  --> SUPERFAMILY Muroidea  --> FAMILY Cricetidae  --> SUBFAMILY Sigmodontinae  --> GENUS Euneomys

SPECIES Euneomys mordax

Author:Thomas, 1912.
Citation:Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 10: 410.
Common Name:Large Euneomys
Type Locality:Argentina, Fort San Rafael; location uncertain, probably not the San Rafael in Mendoza Prov. (see remarks by Pearson and Christie, 1991:126, and Reise and Gallardo, 1990:79).
Distribution:WC Argentina (Mendoza and Neuquen Provs.) and adjacent region of Chile (Santiago, Bío-Bío, and Araucanía Provs.), apparently at higher elevations (1740-3000 m); range limits unknown.
Status:IUCN – Lower Risk (lc).
Comments:Clearly a species distinct from the chinchilloides petersoni complex as conveyed by its large size, singular pattern of incisor grooving, and chromatic differences (Pearson and Christie, 1991; Reise and Gallardo, 1990). Pearson and Christie (1991) treated noei as conspecific with E. mordax, but Reise and Gallardo (1990) considered it a subjective synonym of E. chinchilloides. The former allocation is supported by the sulcation of the upper incisors (a wide, shallow trough about centrally positioned) that characterizes the holotype (USNM 391817); although a subadult, the dimensions of the molars, interorbit, and braincase describe a large animal, one fully as robust as E. mordax (e.g., examples from La Parva; USNM 399400, 399401). At the type locality (Valle de la Junta, Lo Valdes, 2500 m), the holotype was collected with another specimen (USNM 391818) that is referable to the chinchilloides petersoni complex, as suggested by its incisor groove (a narrow crease situated mediolaterally), smaller size of those same cranial dimensions, and narrower breadth of the incisors and distal nasals. Pearson and Christie (1991) recorded other sites of sympatry or parapatry between E. mordax and the chinchilloides petersoni complex (all identified as E. chinchilloides by them) in Chile (La Parva, vicinity of Paso Pino Hachado) and Argentina (vicinity of Copahue, Cueva Traful). Karyotype (2n = 42, FN = 66) reported by Reise and Gallardo (1990) based on a voucher from Paso Pino Hachado; its identity should be reconfirmed.



    noei Mann, 1944

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