This is another word which has mystified scholars. Commentaries on it have generally been based on Herberstein's version, which defines a podmetchik (a different word altogether!) as one who secretly carries off property to another's house in order to make that person appear as the thief of the property; see original Latin text of Herberstein in Sudebniki XV-XVI vekov, pp. 31-32. Cerepnin believes the word podmetcik may refer to a spy or person disclosing secret information; Pamjatniki russkogo prava, III, 383. If, however, we relate the word podymshchik to the verb pod"jat'sja, the code may be considered as referring to some sort of raising of arms against lawful authority, or uprising; I. I. Sreznevskij translates pod"jat'sja as "to gather; to arm oneself; to set off on campaign"; Materialy dlja slovarja drevne-russkogo jazyka (St. Petersburg, 1893), II, column 1074. A German scholar believes that the podmetcik was "der Anstifter vielleicht eines Aufruhrs"; A. von Reutz, Versuch Über die geschichtliche Ausbildung der russischen Staats- und Rechtsverfassung (Mitau, 1829), 307. [Dewey] Back