Troica Cathedral, Sergiev Posad
To know another language is to possess another soul

There are many reasons to study Russian while you are at college. The following are ideas we have collected from our students over the years -- no doubt there are many more. If you are interested in applying for admission to Bucknell or transferring, click here.

Experience a Different Culture

Those who have been able to master a language and live in a culture different from our own have always said that it was an experience which changed their lives forever. They learn to be more open-minded about differences among people. They meet human beings who think about the world and understanding human relationships in terms very different from our own but just as viable. Most US business opportunities are now in international corporations and these companies are always looking for people who are at ease in foreign settings. Even if you start out working at a US corporation, that corporation knows that foreign language majors are a wonderful asset in dealing with their international counterparts either abroad or at home.

Vocational Opportunity

Since the new revolution is bringing Russia back into the world economic system, it represents an enormous untapped market for Western goods and services. Over 300 US businesses are already open in Russia and even more from Western European countries. Many Bucknell graduates have started their careers in Russia and many are there now working for joint ventures or US corporations. It is easy to find high-paying jobs while continuing to learn about one of the most complex and fascinating European countries. Will Russian help you more than Spanish? Well, what do you think? There are 10 million native speakers of Spanish in the US (only about 300,000 Russians) and 60% of all high school and college students studying foreign languages are studying Spanish (only about 5% Russian). Which language do you think is more in demand?

Observe a Peaceful Revolution

Russia is the only major power that has undergone revolution in this century and it has undergone two. Russia's first revolution was the socialist revolution of 1917 which split the world community into two antagonistic blocs. In 1991 Russia threw off the remains of that revolution and undertook another, moving toward a Western European democracy and free-market economy. This second revolution, which doesn't even have a name yet, is still peacefully underway--well, in Russia itself, at least. Students of Russia have the opportunity of examining the effects of a nation-wide revolution while it is taking place. One day your grandchildren will be reading about this revolution, too, and asking: 'what was it like in the '90's during the Russian Revolution?'

10 Top Reasons to Study Russian

Whatever your reason, very few countries on the earth offer as many colorful contrasts, vocational opportunities, ex as Russia.

Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA 17837
© 1996 Robert Beard