The links below were taken from an interview with Katherine Faull, Professor of German and Humanities and Head of the Foreign Language Department at Bucknell University. Professor Faull has also performed extensive research on the Moravian colonies, which were once scattered across Pennsylvania's land.
First Audio Clip (:32 minutes):
Professor Faull discusses why the Moravians were drawn to the Shamokin area.
Second Audio Clip (3:15 minutes):
Professor Faull describes how the Moravian missions in Shamokin differ from the other Moravian colonies established in Pennsylvania.
Third Audio Clip (5:06 minutes):
Professor Faull indicates how the "success" of the Moravian efforts can or cannot be measured, whether or not Indian conversion to Christianity can be viewed as something genuine, and how the Indian subjects influenced and changed the worldview of European missionaries.
Fourth Audio Clip (3:36 minutes):
Professor Faull touches on whether or not the Moravian mission efforts ever faced rejection and also speaks of how the tensions between philosophies of care and exploitation, which so often existed within Indian and European relationships, underwent a role reversal in the histories of the Moravian and Native American interactions.
Fifth Audio Clip (1:39 minutes):
Professor Faull expands on what the citizens of Sunbury today can learn from the precedents of collaboration set forth by Moravian colonists.