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Searching for: 'Oryzomys'


GENUS Oryzomys
SPECIES Oryzomys albigularis   (match on common name)
SPECIES Oryzomys alfaroi   (match on common name, comments)
SPECIES Oryzomys angouya   (match on common name, comments)
SPECIES Oryzomys auriventer   (match on common name)
SPECIES Oryzomys balneator   (match on common name, comments)
SPECIES Oryzomys bolivaris   (match on common name)
SPECIES Oryzomys caracolus   (match on common name)
SPECIES Oryzomys chapmani   (match on common name)
SPECIES Oryzomys couesi   (match on common name)
SPECIES Oryzomys curasoae   (match on common name, comments)
SPECIES Oryzomys devius   (match on common name)
SPECIES Oryzomys dimidiatus   (match on common name, comments)
SPECIES Oryzomys emmonsae   (match on common name)
SPECIES Oryzomys galapagoensis   (match on common name, comments)
SPECIES Oryzomys gorgasi   (match on common name, comments)
SPECIES Oryzomys hammondi   (match on common name, comments)
SPECIES Oryzomys keaysi   (match on common name)
SPECIES Oryzomys lamia   (match on common name)
SPECIES Oryzomys laticeps   (match on common name)
SPECIES Oryzomys legatus   (match on common name)
SPECIES Oryzomys levipes   (match on common name)
SPECIES Oryzomys macconnelli   (match on common name)
SPECIES Oryzomys maracajuensis   (match on common name)
SPECIES Oryzomys marinhus   (match on common name)
SPECIES Oryzomys megacephalus   (match on common name, comments)
SPECIES Oryzomys melanotis   (match on common name)
SPECIES Oryzomys meridensis   (match on common name)
SPECIES Oryzomys nelsoni   (match on common name)
SPECIES Oryzomys nitidus   (match on common name)
SPECIES Oryzomys palustris   (match on common name)
SPECIES Oryzomys perenensis   (match on common name)
SPECIES Oryzomys polius   (match on common name)
SPECIES Oryzomys rhabdops   (match on common name)
SPECIES Oryzomys rostratus   (match on common name)
SPECIES Oryzomys russatus   (match on common name)
SPECIES Oryzomys saturatior   (match on common name)
SPECIES Oryzomys scotti   (match on common name)
SPECIES Oryzomys seuanezi   (match on common name)
SPECIES Oryzomys subflavus   (match on common name)
SPECIES Oryzomys talamancae   (match on common name)
SPECIES Oryzomys tatei   (match on common name)
SPECIES Oryzomys xanthaeolus   (match on common name)
SPECIES Oryzomys yunganus   (match on common name)
SPECIES Pseudoryzomys simplex   (match on common name, comments)
GENUS Aepeomys   (match on type species)
GENUS Chilomys   (match on type species)
GENUS Melanomys   (match on type species, comments)
GENUS Nesoryzomys   (match on type species, comments)
GENUS Oligoryzomys   (match on type species, comments)
GENUS Phaenomys   (match on type species)
GENUS Pseudoryzomys   (match on type species)
GENUS Zygodontomys   (match on type species)
SPECIES Handleyomys intectus   (match on status, comments)
GENUS Abrawayaomys   (match on comments)
GENUS Delomys   (match on comments)
GENUS Handleyomys   (match on comments)
GENUS Juscelinomys   (match on comments)
GENUS Megalomys   (match on comments)
GENUS Megaoryzomys   (match on comments)
GENUS Microryzomys   (match on comments)
SPECIES Microryzomys altissimus   (match on comments)
GENUS Nectomys   (match on comments)
GENUS Oecomys   (match on comments)
SPECIES Oligoryzomys destructor   (match on comments)
SPECIES Oligoryzomys microtis   (match on comments)
SPECIES Oligoryzomys nigripes   (match on comments)
SPECIES Oligoryzomys victus   (match on comments)
GENUS Oryzomys   (match on comments)
GENUS Rhagomys   (match on comments)
GENUS Sigmodontomys   (match on comments)
SPECIES Sigmodontomys aphrastus   (match on comments)
GENUS Wiedomys   (match on comments)

Results returned: 73


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