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SPECIES Cephalophus natalensis

Author:A. Smith, 1834.
Citation:S. Afr. Quart. J., 2: 217.
Common Name:Red Duiker
Type Locality:South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal, "Port Natal" (Durban).
Distribution:E Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, S Somalia, South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal), Swaziland, E and S Tanzania, and E Zambia; sight records from E Ethiopia.
Status:IUCN – Lower Risk (cd) as C. natalensis and C. harveyi.
Comments:Ansell (1972:34) included harveyi and weynsi, and placed the extended natalensis with adersi and callipygus in a superspecies; Grubb and Groves (2002) and Van Vuuren and Robinson (2001) regarded natalensis + harveyi as distinct from callipygus + weynsi (and adersi), and treated harveyi as a subspecies of natalensis, though it was regarded as a species separate from C. natalensis by East et al. (1999), Kingdon (1982:297) and Cotterill (2003b).
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