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SPECIES Vulpes macrotis

Author:Merriam, 1888.
Citation:Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 4: 136.
Common Name:Kit Fox
Type Locality:"Riverside, San Bernardino county, California"
Distribution:USA (S and C California, Nevada, SE Oregon, SW Idaho, W Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and W Texas).
Status:U.S. ESA – Endangered as V. macrotis mutica.
Comments:Reviewed by Egoscue (1979) and McGrew (1979). Revised by Waithman and Roest (1977) and Dragoo et al. (1990). Blair et al. (1968), Lechleitner (1969), Bueler (1973), and Dragoo et al. (1990) considered macrotis and velox conspecific. Packard and Bowers (1970), Rohwer and Kilgore (1973), Thornton and Creel (1975) (who found hybrids between velox and macrotis but concluded they were of reduced viability) and Mercure et al. (1993) retained both as separate species. Mercure et al. (1993) argued that the genetic differences between macrotis and velox were similar to that of Vulpes vulpes and V. lagopus and therefore argued that they should be recognized at the species level (followed here). Synonyms allocated according to Mercure et al. (1993).
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    arizonensis Goldman, 1931
    arsipus Elliot, 1904
    devius Nelson and Goldman, 1909
    muticus Merriam, 1902
    neomexicanus Merriam, 1902
    nevadensis Goldman, 1931
    tenuirostris Nelson and Goldman, 1931
    zinseri Benson, 1938

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