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HOME --> CLASS MAMMALIA  --> ORDER ERINACEOMORPHA  --> FAMILY Erinaceidae  --> SUBFAMILY Erinaceinae  --> GENUS Hemiechinus

SPECIES Hemiechinus auritus

Author:Gmelin, 1770.
Citation:Nova Comm. Acad. Sci. Petropoli, 14: 519.
Common Name:Long-eared Hedgehog
Type Locality:S Russia, "in regione Astrachanensi", (= Astrakhan, 46°21'N, 48°03'E).
Distribution:Steppe zone from E Ukraine to Mongolia in the north and from Libya to W Pakistan in the south.
Status:IUCN – Lower Risk (lc).
Comments:Corbet (1988:159) accepted albulus, auritus, and megalotis as valid subspecies; megalotis was formerly regarded as a distinct species but intergrades with auritus in Afghanistan; see Niethammer (1973) and Morshed and Patton (2002), who found a small genetic distance between the forms auritus and megalotis within Iran. Osborn and Helmy (1980:57-64) recognized two subspecies within Egypt, aegyptius and libycus. The form of Cyprus (dorotheae) may be also distinct but was probably introduced by man (Boye, 1991:115). Arabian records reviewed by Harrison and Bates (1991) and supplemented by Benda and Obuch (2001). Turkish long-eared hedgehogs have 2N=48 chromosomes, with a NFa ranging from 90 to 92 (Colak et al., 1998; Kefelioglu, 1998). For synonyms see Corbet,(1988) and Frost et al.(1991)
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SUBSPECIES aegyptius


SUBSPECIES megalotis


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