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SPECIES Niviventer cremoriventer

Author:Miller, 1900.
Citation:Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 13: 144.
Common Name:Sundaic Arboreal Niviventer
Type Locality:S Peninsular Thailand, Trang Province, Trang (07E30'N, 99E18'E).
Distribution:Peninsular Thailand and Malaya and some offshore islands; Mergui Arch., Anambas Isls; Sumatra, and smaller islands of Nias, Billiton and Banka; Borneo and some offshore islands, Java, and Bali; see Musser (1973c) and Corbet and Hill (1992). Does not occur north of the Isthmus of Kra (10E30'N).
Status:IUCN – Lower Risk (lc).
Comments:Revised by Musser (1973c, 1981b); a Sundaic endemic whose closest morphological and likely phylogenetic relative is the Indochinese N. langbianis. Considerable variation in body size exists among samples, with those in small island populations being larger than individuals in populations on larger islands and the Malay Peninsula (Musser, 1973c). Tuen et al. (2000) documented N. cremoriventer from peninsular Mt Santubong in W Sarawak, and Md Nor (1996) recorded its distribution and ecology on the small islands off N tip of Sabah. This generally lowland species reaches 1530 m on the slopes of Mt Kinabalu in Sabah (Md Nor, 2001, and references cited therein). Niviventer cremoriventer joins N. rapit as the only two species in the genus occurring on Borneo.
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    barussanus (Miller, 1911)
    cretaceiventer (Robinson and Kloss, 1919)
    flaviventer (Miller, 1900)
    gilbiventer (Miller, 1903)
    kina (Bonhote, 1903)
    malawali (Chasen and Kloss, 1932)
    mengurus (Miller, 1911)
    solus (Miller, 1913)
    spatulatus (Lyon, 1911)
    sumatrae (Bartels, 1937)

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