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SPECIES Peromyscus maniculatus

Author:Wagner, 1845.
Citation:Arch. Naturgesch., 11(1): 148.
Common Name:North American Deermouse
Type Locality:Canada, Labrador, Moravian settlements.
Distribution:Panhandle of Alaska and across N Canada, south through most of continental USA, excluding the SE and E seaboard, to southernmost Baja California Sur and to NC Oaxaca, México; including many landbridge islands.
Status:IUCN – Lower Risk (nt) as P. m. anacapae and P. m. clementis, otherwise Lower Risk (lc).

P. maniculatus species group. A broadly distributed and morphologically highly variable form once confused with many taxa now reallocated to P. leucopus (see Osgood, 1909). Formerly included long-tailed populations in NW North America recently separated as P. keeni. Status and relationships of P. maniculatus have been extensively addressed with regard to P. keeni (or as its junior synonyms oreas and sitkensis—Allard et al., 1987; Allard and Greenbaum, 1988; Gunn and Greenbaum, 1986; Hogan et al., 1993, 1997; Zheng et al., 2003), P. melanotis (Bowers, 1974; Bowers et al., 1973; Greenbaum and Baker, 1978), P. polionotus (Avise et al., 1979; Hogan et al., 1997; Robbins and Baker, 1981), and P. sejugis (Avise et al., 1979; Hafner et al., 2001; Hogan et al., 1997; Lawlor, 1983); see those accounts.

Regional studies of geographic variation have clarified distributions and realigned certain subspecific ranges: e.g., populations in N Wisconsin and on islands in the N Great Lakes (Long and Long, 1993); those in S Maine (Kilpatrick et al., 1994); those in Arizona (Hoffmeister, 1986); those inhabiting the Llano Estacado, N Texas and vicinity (Cooper et al., 1993); and those at the southern end of the Mexican Plateau, C México (Nanez-Jiminez and Martínez-Coronel, 1995). Differences in craniodental shape according to dietary consistency investigated using laboratory animals by Myers et al. (1996), who discussed their bearing on systematic interpretations among wild populations. Probable extinction of San Roque Isl population (cineritius) reported by Alvarez-Castañeda and Cortes-Calva (1999).

Even after removal of long-tailed populations in NW North America (i.e., P. keeni), appreciable variation in morphological, chromosomal, and biochemical data still cautions that more than one species is represented among the short-tailed (e.g., bairdii) and long-tailed (e.g., gracilis, nubiterrae) morphotypes in C and NE North America (Bradshaw and Hsu, 1972; Calhoun et al., 1988; Koh and Peterson, 1983; Lansman et al., 1983; Myers Uncie et al., 1998). Trees derived from mitochondrial DNA sequences represent maniculatus as paraphyletic with respect to P. keeni and P. sejugis (Hogan et al. 1997). Meaningful delineation of subspecies can only be achieved within the context of this much needed revision; see Hall (1981) for conventional arrangement of races (excepting those now removed to P. keeni).

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    abietorum Bangs, 1896
    akeleyi Elliot, 1899
    alpinus Cowan, 1937
    anacapae von Bloeker, 1942
    angustus Hall, 1932
    anticostiensis Moulthrop, 1937
    arcticus (Coues, 1877)
    arcticus (Mearns, 1890)
    argentatus Copeland and Church, 1906
    artemisiae (Rhoads, 1894)
    assimilis Nelson and Goldman, 1931
    austerus (Baird, 1855)
    bairdii (Hoy and Kennicott, 1857)
    bairdii (Coues, 1877)
    balaclavae McCabe and Cowan, 1945
    blandus Osgood, 1904
    borealis Mearns, 1911
    canadensis (Miller, 1893)
    catalinae Elliot, 1903
    cineritius J. A. Allen, 1898
    clementis Mearns, 1896
    coolidgei Thomas, 1898
    deserticolus (Mearns, 1890)
    dorsalis Nelson and Goldman, 1931
    dubius J. A. Allen, 1898
    elusus Nelson and Goldman, 1931
    eremus Osgood, 1909
    exiguus J. A. Allen, 1898
    exterus Nelson and Goldman, 1931
    fulvus Osgood, 1904
    gambelii (Baird, 1857)
    georgiensis Hall, 1938
    geronimensis J. A. Allen, 1898
    gracilis (Le Conte, 1855)
    gunnisoni Goldman, 1937
    hollisteri Osgood, 1909
    hueyi Nelson and Goldman, 1932
    imperfectus Dice, 1925
    inclarus Goldman, 1939
    insolatus (Rhoads, 1894)
    labecula Elliot, 1903
    luteus Osgood, 1905
    magdalenae Osgood, 1909
    margaritae Osgood, 1909
    martinensis Nelson and Goldman, 1931
    medius Mearns, 1896
    nebrascensis (Coues, 1877)
    nebrascensis (Mearns, 1890)
    nubiterrae Rhoads, 1896
    oresterus Elliot, 1903
    osgoodi Mearns, 1911
    ozarkiarum Black, 1935
    pallescens J. A. Allen, 1896
    perimekurus Elliot, 1903
    plumbeus C. F. Jackson, 1939
    rubidus Osgood, 1901
    rufinus (Merriam, 1890)
    sanctaerosae von Bloeker, 1940
    santacruzae Nelson and Goldman, 1931
    saturatus Bangs, 1897
    saxamans McCabe and Cowan, 1945
    serratus Davis, 1939
    sonoriensis (Le Conte, 1853)
    streatori Nelson and Goldman, 1931
    subarcticus J. A. Allen, 1899
    thurberi (J. A. Allen, 1893)
    umbrinus Miller, 1897

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