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SPECIES Cansumys canus

Author:G. M. Allen, 1928.
Citation:J. Mammal., 9: 245.
Common Name:Gansu Hamster
Type Locality:China, S Gansu Prov., Jonę (=Choni or Cho-Ni), "around 2500 m" (Corbet and Hill, 1992:393).
Distribution:Known only from the type locality and possibly Henan Prov., NC and EC China; limits unresolved.
Status:IUCN – Lower Risk (lc).
Comments:Viewed either as a form of Cricetulus triton (Corbet, 1978c; Ellerman, 1941; Ellerman and Morrison-Scott, 1951) or as a valid species of Cansumys (Corbet and Hill, 1991, 1992; Musser and Carleton, 1993; Pavlinov et al., 1995a). Zhang et al. (1997) and Wang (2003) included Shaanxi Prov. within the distribution of canus (as a species of Cricetulus or Cansumys, respectively) because they regarded ningshaanensis as its subspecies; in fact, Song (1985) had described ningshaanensis from Shaanxi as a subspecies of Tscherskia triton. The tail in ningshaanensis has a longer white segment and is longer relative to head and body as compared with triton, but no other features in the original description implicate ningshaanensis as a form of canus. Cansumys canus possesses long semi-hypsodont molar rows (6.4-6.6 mm; based on the holotype and two topotypes in AMNH and FMNH), but ningshaanensis has shorter toothrows (4.7-5.7 mm), well within the range characteristic of T. triton. The occurrence of C. canus in Henan Prov., as reported by Lu and Wang (1996), also requires reverification.
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