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HOME --> CLASS MAMMALIA  --> ORDER RODENTIA  --> SUBORDER MYOMORPHA  --> SUPERFAMILY Muroidea  --> FAMILY Cricetidae  --> SUBFAMILY Arvicolinae  --> GENUS Microtus  --> SUBGENUS See comments.

SPECIES Microtus (See comments.) chrotorrhinus

Author:Miller, 1894.
Citation:Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 26: 190.
Common Name:Rock Vole
Type Locality:USA, New Hampshire, Coos Co., Mt Washington, head of Tuckerman's Ravine, 5300 ft (1615 m).
Distribution:S Labrador south through S Quebec and Ontario, Canada, to NE Minnesota, N New York, and N New England states, USA; isolated segments in the C (S New York, NE Pennsylvania) and S Appalachian Mtns (W Maryland to E Tennessee and W North Carolina).
Status:IUCN – Data Deficient as M. c. ravus, Lower Risk (nt) as M. c. carolinensis, otherwise Lower Risk (lc).
Comments:Although conventionally viewed as closely related to (Anderson, 1960), if not conspecific with (Hall and Kelson, 1959), M. xanthognathus, morphological, chromosomal, and molecular information reveals their more distant kinship (Bailey, 1900; Conroy and Cook, 2000a; Guilday, 1982; R. A. Martin, 1973, 1979; Rausch and Rausch, 1974). The expanded definition of the subgenus Aulacomys (= M. chrotorrhinus, M. longicaudus, M. richardsoni, M. xanthognathus) as conceived by Zagorodnyuk (1990) is decidedly polyphyletic on parsimony and likelihood trees generated from mitochondrial DNA sequences (Conroy and Cook, 2000a). Genic variation evaluated by Kilpatrick and Crowell (1985). See Kirkland and Jannett (1982, Mammalian Species, 180).
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    carolinensis Komarek, 1932
    ravus Bangs, 1898

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