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HOME --> CLASS MAMMALIA  --> ORDER CETACEA  --> SUBORDER MYSTICETI  --> FAMILY Balaenopteridae  --> GENUS Balaenoptera

SPECIES Balaenoptera acutorostrata

Author:Lacépède, 1804.
Citation:Hist. Nat. Cetacees: 134.
Common Name:Common Minke Whale
Type Locality:France, "pris aux environs de la rade de Cherbourg", Mancha.
Distribution:Worldwide: arctic to tropical waters.
Status:CITES – Appendix I (except the population of West Greenland, which is Appendix II); IUCN – Lower Risk (nt).
Comments:Reviewed by Stewart and Leatherwood (1985). Two forms have been described from SW Pacific waters (Arnold et al., 1987). May represent two or three species (Wada and Numachi, 1991). Deméré (1986) reassigned Eschrichtius davidsonii (Cope 1872) to Balaenoptera, making B. davidsoni Scammon 1872 a junior synonym and erecting Balaenoptera acutorostrata scammoni Deméré, 1986 as a substitute. Rice (1998:70) recognized B. a. scammoni (Scammon’s Minke Whale) and another un-named subspecies in the southern hemisphere (B. a. subsp.; Dwarf Minke Whale). We recognize that there are probably others, like the population in the Sea of Japan.



    davidsoni Cope, 1872
    minima (Rapp, 1837)
    rostrata (Fabricius, 1780)

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