FAMILY Phocidae
Author: | Gray, 1821. | Citation: | London Med. Repos., 15: 297. | Comments: | Reviewed by Chapskii (1955), Scheffer (1958), J. E. King (1966, 1983), Hendey (1972), Muizon (1982b), and Wyss (1989). Muizon (1982b), and Wyss's (1988) phylogenetic analyses agreed on three points: 1) The monophyletic nature of two groups they refer to as the Lobodontini (Hydrurga, Leptonychotes, Lobodon, and Ommatophoca), and the Phocinae (Erignathus, Cystophora, Halichoerus, and Phoca), 2) The lobodonts, along with Monachus and Mirounga traditionally have been referred to as the Monachinae (kept by Muizon), however, they both suggested that this group may be paraphyletic, 3) Because of the "unsettled" nature of these taxa, no subfamilies are recognized at this time. Distributions for species after Rice (1998). |
| Offspring: GENUS Cystophora SPECIES cristata GENUS Erignathus SPECIES barbatus SUBSPECIES barbatus SUBSPECIES nautica GENUS Halichoerus SPECIES grypus SUBSPECIES grypus SUBSPECIES macrorhynchus GENUS Histriophoca SPECIES fasciata GENUS Hydrurga SPECIES leptonyx GENUS Leptonychotes SPECIES weddellii GENUS Lobodon SPECIES carcinophaga GENUS Mirounga SPECIES angustirostris SPECIES leonina GENUS Monachus SPECIES monachus SPECIES schauinslandi SPECIES tropicalis GENUS Ommatophoca SPECIES rossii GENUS Pagophilus SPECIES groenlandicus GENUS Phoca SPECIES largha SPECIES vitulina SUBSPECIES vitulina SUBSPECIES concolor SUBSPECIES mellonae SUBSPECIES richardii SUBSPECIES stejnegeri GENUS Pusa SPECIES caspica SPECIES hispida SUBSPECIES hispida SUBSPECIES botnica SUBSPECIES ladogensis SUBSPECIES ochotensis SUBSPECIES saimensis SPECIES sibirica | Synonyms:
Amphibia Trouessart, 1879 Amphibiae Gray, 1821 Cystophorina Gray, 1837 Erignathini Chapskii, 1955 Eumetopiina Gray, 1869 Halichoerina Gray, 1869 Histriophocina Chapskii, 1955 Hydrurginae Trouessart, 1907 Lobodoninae Kellogg, 1922 Lobodontina Gray, 1869 Miroungini Muizon, 1982 Monachina Gray, 1869 Ogmorhininae Turner, 1888 Phocadae Gray, 1821 Phocae Trouessart, 1879 Phocomorpha Berta and Wyss, 1994 Pinnigrada Owen, 1857 Pinnigrades Owen, 1857 Pinnipedia Illiger, 1811 Sibiricopusidae Dybowski, 1929 Stemmotopina Gray, 1825 Stenorhynchina Gray, 1844 Stenorhyncina Gray, 1825 Stenorynchina Gray, 1843 Thalattailurina Albrecht, 1879