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HOME --> CLASS MAMMALIA  --> ORDER CHIROPTERA  --> FAMILY Phyllostomidae  --> SUBFAMILY Glossophaginae  --> TRIBE Glossophagini  --> GENUS Leptonycteris

SPECIES Leptonycteris yerbabuenae

Author:Martínez and Villa-R, 1940.
Citation:Anal. Inst. Biol. Univ. Nac. Auto. Mexico, 11: 313.
Common Name:Lesser Long-nosed Bat
Type Locality:Mexico, Guerrero, Yerbabuena.
Distribution:C California, S Arizona, and New Mexico (USA) to Honduras and El Salvador
Status:U.S. ESA – Endangered as L. curasoae yerbabuenae. IUCN 2003 – Not listed; not considered in IUCN/SSC Action Plan (2001).
Comments:Included in curasoae by Koopman (1993), but see Watkins et al. (1972), Hall (1981), Koopman (1994), and Simmons and Wetterer (2002). The name sanborni has been used widely in the literature for this species, but is a junior synonym. A neotype for yerbabuenae was designated by Arita and Humphrey (1988).



    sanborni Hoffmeister, 1957

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