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HOME --> CLASS MAMMALIA  --> ORDER SORICOMORPHA  --> FAMILY Soricidae  --> SUBFAMILY Soricinae  --> TRIBE Soricini  --> GENUS Sorex  --> SUBGENUS Sorex

SPECIES Sorex (Sorex) buchariensis

Author:Ognev, 1922.
Citation:Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. St. Petersbourg, 22: 320.
Common Name:Buchara Shrew
Type Locality:Tajikistan, Pamir Mtns, Davan-su River Valley, "Gornaya Bukhara, drevyaya morena lednika Oshanina, dol. p. Davan-Su (khrebet' Petra Velikavo)" [Montane Bukhara, ancient moraine of Oshanin glacier, Peter the Great range].
Distribution:Pamir Mtns (Tajikistan).
Status:IUCN – Lower Risk (lc).
Comments:Subgenus Sorex, S. minutus group. Referred to subgenus Eurosorex by Yudin (1989). Considered a subspecies of thibetanus by Dolgov and Hoffmann (1977) and Hoffmann (1987, 1996a), but retained as a distinct species by Ivanitskaya et al. (1977), Hutterer (1979), Zaitsev (1988), and Yudin (1989). Karyotypes of two specimens from Tajikistan (2n = 40, FN = 60) were similar to that of volnuchini (Ivanitskaya et al., 1977).



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