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HOME --> CLASS MAMMALIA  --> ORDER SORICOMORPHA  --> FAMILY Soricidae  --> SUBFAMILY Soricinae  --> TRIBE Soricini  --> GENUS Sorex  --> SUBGENUS unnamed subgenus, see comments

SPECIES Sorex (unnamed subgenus, see comments) arizonae

Author:Diersing and Hoffmeister, 1977.
Citation:J. Mammal., 58: 329.
Common Name:Arizona Shrew
Type Locality:USA, "upper end of Miller Canyon, 15 mi S [= 10 mi. (16.1 km) S, 4¾ mi. (7.6 km) E] Fort Huachuca [near spring at lower edge of Douglas fir zone, Huachuca Mts.] Cochise County, Arizona".
Distribution:Disjunct mountains in SE Arizona and SW New Mexico (USA; see Conway and Schmitt, 1978 and Hoffmeister, 1986); one specimen from Sierra Madre Occidental of Chihuahua (Mexico; see Caire et al., 1978).
Status:IUCN – Vulnerable.
Comments:Refered to unnamed subgenus by George (1988). Close to emarginatus (see Diersing and Hoffmeister, 1977). Species reviewed by Simons and Hoffmeister (2003, Mammalian Species No. 732).



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