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HOME --> CLASS MAMMALIA  --> ORDER SORICOMORPHA  --> FAMILY Soricidae  --> SUBFAMILY Soricinae  --> TRIBE Soricini  --> GENUS Sorex  --> SUBGENUS Sorex

SPECIES Sorex (Sorex) alpinus

Author:Schinz, 1837.
Citation:Neue Denkschr. Allgem. Schweiz. Gesell. Naturwiss. Neuchatel, 1: 13.
Common Name:Alpine Shrew
Type Locality:Switzerland, Canton Uri, St. Gotthard Pass.
Distribution:Montane forests of C Europe; including Pyrenees, Carpathians, Tatra, Sudeten, Harz, and Jura Mtns.
Status:IUCN – Lower Risk (lc).
Comments:Subgenus Sorex, S. alpinus group. Type species of subgenus Homalurus; see Hutterer (1982b). Reviewed by Spitzenberger (1990a). No clear subspecific variation; three karyotypic forms (2n = 54-58, FN = 68) have been described (Dannelid 1994; Lukácová et al. 1996). European range shown in Mitchell-Jones et al. (1999). Peripheral populations in the Pyrenees and the Harz Mtns (Gahsche, 1994) now probably extinct.



    hercynicus Miller, 1909
    intermedius Cornalia, 1870
    longobarda Sordelli, 1899
    tatricus Kratochvil and Rosicky, 1952

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