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HOME --> CLASS MAMMALIA  --> ORDER SORICOMORPHA  --> FAMILY Soricidae  --> SUBFAMILY Soricinae  --> TRIBE Notiosoricini

GENUS Notiosorex

Author:Coues, 1877.
Citation:Bull. U.S. Geol. Geogr. Surv. Terr., 3: 646.
Type Species:Sorex (Notiosorex) crawfordi Coues, 1877.
Comments:Repenning (1967:45) placed the genus in Neomyini. Reumer (1984:14) created a new tribe Notiosoricini to include Notiosorex, but George (1986:160) could find no evidence to support this separation. Hall (1981:65) included also Megasorex gigas, but Repenning (1967:56), Armstrong and Jones (1972), and George (1986) considered Megasorex a distinct genus. Notiosorex (Xenosorex) phillipsii belongs to Cryptotis; see Choate (1969) and Woodman and Timm (2000). Lindsay and Jacobs (1985) described an extinct species from Pliocene sediments of Chihuahua, Mexico. Extant species revised by Carraway and Timm (2000) and Baker et al. (2003a).


SPECIES cockrumi

SPECIES crawfordi

SPECIES evotis

SPECIES villai


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