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SPECIES Crocidura canariensis

Author:Hutterer, Lopez-Jurado and Vogel, 1987.
Citation:J. Nat. Hist., 21: 1354.
Common Name:Canarian Shrew
Type Locality:Spain, Canary Isls, Fuerteventura, Tiscamanita.
Distribution:E Canary Islands (Lanzarote, Lobos, Fuerteventura, Graciosa, Mtna Clara).
Status:IUCN – Vulnerable.
Comments:Related to sicula; see Maddalena and Vogel (1990) and Hutterer et al. (1992b). Sara (1995, 1996) studied the variation of mandibular measurements and found no difference between C. canariensis and C. sicula; as a consequence, he included canariensis as a subspecies in C. sicula. However, this author disregarded biological, ecological, and paleontological evidence provided by Hutterer et al. (1992b) and Michaux et al. (1991). Genetic distances suggest a separation of C. canariensis and C. sicula for 5 million years (Vogel et al., 2003).



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