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HOME --> CLASS MAMMALIA  --> ORDER LAGOMORPHA  --> FAMILY Ochotonidae  --> GENUS Ochotona  --> SUBGENUS Pika  --> SPECIES princeps

SUBSPECIES Ochotona (Pika) princeps princeps

Author:Richardson, 1828.
Citation:Zool. J., 3: 520.
Type Locality:"Rocky Mountains"; restricted by Preble (1908) to "near the sources of Elk (Athabasca) River," [Athabasca Pass, head of Athabasca River, Alberta, Canada].
Comments:Allozyme studies revealed 4-5 main groups of populations in this species (Hafner and Sullivan, 1995). This name belongs to the Northern Rockies group.



    cuppes Bangs, 1899
    goldmani Howell, 1924
    levis Hollister, 1912
    lutescens Howell, 1919
    obscura Long, 1965
    saturata Cowan, 1955

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