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HOME --> CLASS MAMMALIA  --> ORDER RODENTIA  --> SUBORDER MYOMORPHA  --> SUPERFAMILY Muroidea  --> FAMILY Muridae  --> SUBFAMILY Gerbillinae  --> GENUS Gerbilliscus  --> SUBGENUS Taterona

SPECIES Gerbilliscus (Taterona) nigricaudus

Author:Peters, 1879.
Actual Date:1878
Citation:Monatsb. K. Preuss. Akad. Wiss., Berlin, 1879: 200.
Common Name:Black-tailed Gerbil
Type Locality:Kenya, Taita, Ndi.
Distribution:Ethiopia (Duckworth et al., 1993), Kenya, Somalia, and Tanzania. Apparently does not occur west of the Eastern Rift Valley (see Bates, 1988).
Status:IUCN – Lower Risk (lc) as Tatera nigricaudata.
Comments:Subgenus Taterona. Revised by Bates (1988), who summarized distributional and ecological information, and reviewed by Pavlinov et al. (1990). The taxa bayeri and bodessae, included in this species by Davis (1975a), were transferred to G. robustus by Bates (1988; see that account).



    nyama (Dollman, 1911)
    percivali (Heller, 1914)

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