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SPECIES Malacothrix typica

Author:A. Smith, 1834.
Citation:S. Afr. Quart. J., 2: 148.
Common Name:Large-eared African Desert Mouse
Type Locality:South Africa, Eastern Cape Prov., Graaff Reinet Dist.
Distribution:Eastern portion of Southern African Subregion in semidesert regions (mean annual rainfall = 150-500 mm) where sandy plains, short grassy velds, and karroid shrubs on hard substrates predominate; ranges in C and E South Africa (Eastern, Western and Northern Cape Provs., Free State, Northwest Prov.), S Botswana (Smithers, 1971), most of Namibia, and extreme SW Angola (Crawford-Cabral, 1998).
Status:IUCN – Lower Risk (lc).
Comments:Reviewed by Skinner and Smithers (1990) and de Graaff (1997aa). The species is now absent from KwaZulu-Natal in E South Africa but was present until about 60,000 years ago (Avery, 1991). Closely related to the extinct M. makapani, early Pleistocene Swartkrans cave sediments in South Africa (Avery, 1998).



    damarensis Roberts, 1932
    egeria Thomas, 1926
    fryi Roberts, 1917
    harveyi Roberts, 1951
    kalaharicus Roberts, 1932
    molopensis Roberts, 1933

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