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SPECIES Trichosurus vulpecula

Author:Kerr, 1792.
Citation:In Linnaeus, Anim. Kingdom, 1: 198.
Common Name:Common Brushtail
Type Locality:Australia, New South Wales, Sydney.
Distribution:Australia: E Queensland, E New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, SE and N South Australia, SW Western Australia; introduced to New Zealand (Wodzicki, 1950).
Status:IUCN – Lower Risk (nt) as T. v. hypoleuca, otherwise Lower Risk (lc). Common, in many cities, lives commensally.



    bougainvillei (J. B. Fischer, 1829)
    cookii (G. Cuvier, 1824)
    cuvieri (Waterhouse, 1841)
    eburacensis Lönnberg, 1916
    felina (Wagner, 1842)
    fuliginosa (Ogilby, 1831)
    grisea (Gray, 1841)
    hypoleucus (Wagner, 1855)
    lemurina (Shaw, 1800)
    melanura (Wagner, 1842)
    mesurus Thomas, 1926
    novaehollandiae (Bechstein, 1800)
    raui Finlayson, 1963
    ruficollis Schwarz, 1909
    selma (Gervais, 1847)
    tapouaru (F. Meyer, 1793)
    vulpina (F. Meyer, 1793)
    xanthopus (Ogilby, 1831)

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