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HOME --> CLASS MAMMALIA  --> ORDER DIDELPHIMORPHIA  --> FAMILY Didelphidae  --> SUBFAMILY Didelphinae  --> GENUS Marmosa

SPECIES Marmosa murina

Author:Linnaeus, 1758.
Citation:Syst. Nat., 10th ed., 1: 55.
Common Name:Linnaeus’s Mouse Opossum
Type Locality:"Asia, America;" restricted to Surinam by Thomas (1911a).
Distribution:Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana, Brazil, E Ecuador, E Perú, and Bolivia.
Status:IUCN – Lower Risk (lc).
Comments:Tate (1933) recognized 8 subspecies and Cabrera (1959) recognized 7; however, limits between subspecies are unclear and the species is treated here as monotypic pending revision. Work by Patton and Costa (2003) suggests that, as currently understood, murina is composite. The names marina E. Geoffroy, 1803, and marina Gray, 1821, are incorrect subsequent spellings of murina Linnaeus; waterhausi Miranda-Ribeiro, 1936, is an incorrect subsequent spelling of waterhousii (Tomes). Didelphis murina Linnaeus, 1758, is the type species of Asagis Gloger, 1841; Notagogus Gloger, 1841; Grymaeomys Burmeister, 1854; and Cuica Liais, 1872.



    bombascarae Anthony, 1922
    chloe Thomas, 1907
    dorsigera (Linnaeus, 1758)
    duidae Tate, 1931
    guianensis (Kerr, 1792)
    klagesi J. A. Allen, 1900
    macrotarsus (Wagner, 1842)
    madeirensis Cabrera, 1913
    maranii Thomas, 1924
    meridionalis Miranda-Ribeiro, 1936
    moreirae Miranda-Ribeiro, 1936
    muscula (Cabanis, 1848)
    parata Thomas, 1911
    roraimae Tate, 1931
    tobagi Thomas, 1911
    waterhousii (Tomes, 1860)

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