Voyager (Homo Faber)


A man meets and travels across Europe with a beautiful young woman whose love rejuvenates his life until phantoms from his past confront him with an unbearable truth--that neither is who they believe themselves to be.


Walter Faber.........................Sam Shepard

Sabeth...................................Julie Delpy

Hannah.................................Barbara Sukowa

Herbert Hetcke.....................Dieter Kirchlechner

Voyager Bibliography

Baron, David. "'Voyager': Better Sailing without Sam." Times-Picayune.
1992 Jun 19: 1 (26).
Buck, Joan Juliet. "Movies -- The Prince of Tides directed by Barbra Streisand and
starring Barbra Steisand and Nick Nolte / Beauty and the Beast / Voyager
directed by Volker Schlondorff and starring Sam Shepard." Vogue.
1991 Dec (12): 117-120.
Canby, Vincent. "A Variation on the Oedipus Theme." New York Times.
1992 Jan 31: 6 (1).
Hinson, Hal. '"Voyager': Passport to Angst." Washington Post. 1992 May 27: 4 (1).
Hofmann, Michael. "Passionless Traveller -- Voyager directed by Volker Schlondorff and
starring Sam Shepard." Times Literary Supplement. 1992 May 1; (4648): 18.
Howe, Desson. "Meandering 'Voyager'." Washington Post.1992 May 29: 50 (4).
James, Caryn. 'Voyager': Good Crew, Slow Trip." New York Times.
1992 Feb 23: 13 (5).
LaSalle, Mick. "Shepard Soars in 'Voyager'." Washington Post.1992 Mar 20: 3 (1).

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