College Inn

The College Inn built in 1915, consisted of the Inn, which served food to students; seven apartments; a laundry; and tailor and barber shops. The building was also called Guybo's. It is seen in the background in this picture.

In 1945, the Trustee Committee on Buildings and Grounds "...recommended...that a contract be closed with Mr. Guy Payne of the Class of 1909 for the acquistion of the present College Inn." At the next meeting of the board in June, 1946, the Trustees were informed "that the proposed agreement with Mr. Guy Payne and Alice T. Payne,his wife, by which they propos[ed] to transfer at a later date the College Inn property on an annuity basis, was in proper form and recommended by the [Finance] Committee for approval by the Board of Trustees.". The Board approved the agreement later in the same meeting.

"...recommended...that..." BT '20-'50, 12/15/1945, p. 10

"the proposed agreement with..." ib., 6/29/1946, p. 8

The major source for the information on this page is the Minutes of the Board of Trustees of Bucknell University, 1920-1950 (BT '20-'50).

This building in other years: 1915 | 1965
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