aseball Team

Christy Mathewson was a pitcher for the Bucknell nine which played its games on Loomis Field at the base of the hill, upon which Old Main was built.This photograph was taken on Loomis Field with the grove of magnificent oak trees as the background. Matty is the second from the right in the back row.

In 1900, the baseball team established an 8-6 record. One game with the Pennsylvania Rail Road Y.M.C.A was not played because of rain. Bucknell defeated Susquehanna, Gettysburg (twice), Bloomsburg State Normal School , Franklin and Marshall, Carlisle (twice), and Mount Saint Mary. Bucknell was defeated by Syracuse, Dickinson (twice), Bloomsburg, Franklin and Marshall, and Lafayette. The season began on April 7 and ended on June 21. Bucknell scored 104 runs and the opponents scored 93. The Captain was Yencer Weidensaul, '02, and the Manager was C.A. Weymouth, '00.