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HOME --> CLASS MAMMALIA  --> ORDER CHIROPTERA  --> FAMILY Vespertilionidae  --> SUBFAMILY Vespertilioninae  --> TRIBE Nycticeiini  --> GENUS Scotophilus

SPECIES Scotophilus borbonicus

Author:E. Geoffroy, 1803.
Citation:Cat. Mamm. Mus. Nat. d'Hist. Nat.: 46.
Common Name:Réunion House Bat
Type Locality:Réunion Isl (France).
Distribution:Réunion Isl (Mascarene Isls). Records from Mauritius (Mascarene Isls) are erroneous, see Cheke and Dahl (1981). Reports from Madagascar have not been confirmed; see Peterson et al. (1995).
Status:IUCN 2003 and IUCN/SSC Action Plan (2001) – Critically Endangered. May be extinct; see Cheke and Dahl (1981).
Comments:Hill (1980b) considered African viridis and damarensis, and possibly leucogaster, to be conspecific with borbonicus, and Koopman (1986) included viridis, damarensis, and nigritellus (but not leucogaster) in this species. However, in a comprehensive revision of the African forms Robbins et al. (1985) rejected any affinity of borbonicus sensu stricto with African mainland species. I therefore restrict usage of the name borbonicus to the Réunion Isl form, and follow Robbins et al. (1985) in using leucogaster and dinganii for the smaller mainland species.
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