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SPECIES Talpa caeca

Author:Savi, 1822.
Citation:Nuovo Giorn. de Letterati, Pisa, 1: 265.
Common Name:Blind Mole
Type Locality:Italy, Pisa.
Distribution:S Europe and (doubtfully) Asia Minor; Alps, Apennines, Balkan, Thrazia.
Status:IUCN – Lower Risk (lc).
Comments:Kryštufek (1994) revised the taxonomy of European populations of T. caeca and demonstrated morphometric differences to stankovici and to the Caucasus moles (caucasica, levantis). Species reviewed by Niethammer (in Niethammer and Krapp, 1990). In the paleontological literature, Talpa minor Freudenberg, 1914 is either regarded as a fossil ancestor of, or as conspecific with the extant caeca (Rabeder, 1972). However, Cleef-Roders and Hoek Ostende (2001) pointed out clear differences in the dentition of minor and caeca and regarded both as different species. Karyotype has 2n = 36, FN = 64 (Ticino) or 68 (Balkans) (see Niethammer, in Niethammer and Krapp, 1990). For synonyms see Niethammer, in Niethammer and Krapp (1990).
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