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HOME --> CLASS MAMMALIA  --> ORDER SORICOMORPHA  --> FAMILY Soricidae  --> SUBFAMILY Soricinae  --> TRIBE Nectogalini

GENUS Chimarrogale

Author:Anderson, 1877.
Citation:J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 46: 262.
Type Species:Crossopus himalayicus Gray, 1842.
Comments:Formerly in tribe Neomyini; see Repenning (1967:61). Because of the presence of white teeth the genus was occasionally included in subfamily Crocidurinae, but since Repenning (1967), overwhelming evidence has accumulated showing that Chimarrogale is a soricine shrew (Mori et al., 1991; Vogel and Besancon, 1979). Gureev (1971:226) included Chimarrogale in his subtribe Nectogalina within the Blarinini, while Reumer (1984:14) included it in the tribe Soriculini; see comments under genus Neomys. Includes Crossogale; see Harrison (1958), who also revised the genus. His arrangement was found to be more realistic than the common practice of lumping all forms together in one or two species. Hutterer (1993a) recognized the six species listed below.
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SPECIES himalayica

SPECIES phaeura

SPECIES platycephalus

SPECIES styani

SPECIES sumatrana


    Chimmarogale Ellermann and Morrison-Scott, 1951
    Crossogale Thomas, 1921

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