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SPECIES Crocidura leucodon

Author:Hermann, 1780.
Citation:In Zimmermann, Geogr. Gesch. Mensch. Vierf. Thiere, 2: 382.
Common Name:Bicolored Shrew
Type Locality:France, Bas Rhin, vicinity of Strasbourg.
Distribution:France to the Volga and Caucasus; Elburz Mtns; Asia Minor; Israel; Lebanon; Lesbos Isl (Aegean Sea).
Status:IUCN – Lower Risk (lc).
Comments:Reviewed by Richter (1970) and Gureev (1979). Includes persica; see Dolgov (1979). Gureev (1979) and Gromov and Baranova (1981) listed persica as a distinct species without comment. Includes lasia; see Catzeflis et al. (1985), Gureev (1979), and Jenkins (1976); but see also Corbet (1978c). Does not include caspica from Iran, but judaica from Palestine. European range reviewed by Krapp (1990), Arabian range by Harrison and Bates (1991). The assignment of hydruntina follows Nappi and Maio (2000). Karyotype has 2n = 28, FN = 56 (Zima et al., 1998).
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    albipes (Kerr, 1792)
    avicennai Stroganov, 1960
    hydruntina Costa, 1844
    judaica Thomas, 1919
    lasia Thomas, 1906
    leucodus Schulze, 1897
    microurus (Fatio, 1869)
    narentae Bolkay, 1925
    persica Thomas, 1907
    volgensis Stroganov, 1960

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