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HOME --> CLASS MAMMALIA  --> ORDER LAGOMORPHA  --> FAMILY Ochotonidae  --> GENUS Ochotona  --> SUBGENUS Ochotona  --> SPECIES dauurica

SUBSPECIES Ochotona (Ochotona) dauurica dauurica

Author:Pallas, 1776.
Citation:Reise Prov. Russ. Reichs., 3: 692.
Type Locality:"Vivit in campis, montiumque declivibus arenosis apricis, per totam Dauuriam..." Restricted by Ellerman and Morrison-Scott (1951:452) to "Kulusutai, Onon River, Eastern Siberia" [Chitinsk. Obl. Russia].
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    altaina Thomas, 1911
    minor Link, 1795
    ogotona (Pallas, 1862)

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